Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Featured in American Miniaturist

For the past several years, collecting and curating with dollhouse
miniatures has become a beloved hobby for me.  I was enchanted by
the charming miniature rooms created by my new miniaturist
friends who inspired me to begin curating my own tiny rooms.

When I learned that the editor of American Miniaturist
wanted to feature me, I was both honored and thrilled.

I want to thank the editor, Auralea, for such a nice feature.

I was also featured in last year's October issue of 
The Doll's House magazine. That feature was a web review.
The editor found my blog and I had no idea I was going to
be featured until she asked for my permission to use my
photos.  You just never know who is reading your blog!

Writing this little blog has been such a happy adventure for me.
I have met some wonderful friends whom I treasure.  It has 
carried me through sad days of loss and encouraged me to 
stretch my horizons.  Sometimes I am asked how I can continue
writing?   To be truthful, how can I not?  This blog has 
become such an important chapter of my life and I am 
looking forward to seeing where it leads me next.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. The article looks wonderful, Susan! Congratulations!

  2. You have a way with words Susan. Congratulations on the article. That's such an exciting event. You're miniature creations are an extention of your life size decorating talent.

  3. Susan,
    Congratulations! This is an exciting and wonderful event!

  4. Congrats! Congrats! It certainly comes as no surprise to me that your work is being featured. You are a gifted artisan!

  5. Congratulations, Susan! I am so very, very proud of you!!! You are not only artistically gifted you are one of the sweetest bloggers I know. I am lucky to have found your blog and been reading it for quite a long time now. xo Diana

  6. Congratulations; you never know where life will lead you!

  7. How MARVELOUS for you; and my sincerest CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :D
    Your pink shabby cottage is always a Pleasure to see on line, but I know how EXTRA SPECIAL you feel when you can see your work in print! Well done! :D


  8. Congratulations to you. You deserve it.

  9. ...and honored you should be! Wow lovely!

  10. Hello there. Your miniature house is gorgeous. I have a friend who specialised in miniatures in the eighties and had her items specially made for her in Germany. Unfortunately she is no longer available for interviews but if you look on my blog, scroll down some, you will see some of her exhibits. Your will love them! Kind regards from Pat.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.