Friday, October 14, 2016

The Morning In My Studio

I spent this morning in my studio.  I was organizing fabrics and notions
with the hope that it would help me settle into getting some crafts and
sewing done for Christmas.  

I always feel more inclined to sew when everything is clean and tidy
before I mess it all up again ;-)

And of course, sometimes I just like to move things around.
Y'all know all about that!  Just moving things around a bit 
gives everything a fresh new perspective don't you think?


This vintage and shabby tool box has been everywhere and has
been decorated for just about every season.  It's been hanging out
in my studio for a long time now and I think that's where it 
will stay.

I love Susan Branch's books.  She has been traveling through
England and Scotland lately, well mostly Scotland.  She has been
having trouble with her computer and has not been posting as often
as on other trips.  I hope she is still taking lots and lots of photos to
share with us when she gets back home.

I do love this room and I especially love it in the morning.  There are 
three windows that create a big bay effect and lots of light and sunshine
come through the windows because they face the east.  So 

I just looked at the clock and it is after 1 PM already and I have not 
had any breakfast, just hot water and lemon.  That's how I am when I
get involved with a project ~ I forget to eat.  Have a wonderful Friday
and a great weekend too!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! Oh, your studio looks so sweet and neat! Love all of your soft colors and how you've organized everything. My sewing room looks like a tornado hit it! I've got to get in there and get organized and clean it up! You're inspiring my little friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Ha ~ you should have seen it before I straightened up;-)

  2. I love your studio. I love Susan Branch too. So, did you get inspired to craft for Christmas?

    1. Thanks Katie! Yes, I am starting to work on rag dolls for four little girls. I will share when I am done.

  3. I love your studio all the lovely things... I like everything clean to.. And im just that gal to forget to eat when im busy ,lovely... Have a great day with love Janice

    1. I'm glad I am not alone. Most people ask "how can you forget to eat?" But I get so absorbed in a project that I don't give food any thought at all. I'm slim already, and if I crafted everyday I would turn into a stick figure ;-)

  4. Sunshine and craft they do go together.

  5. I love how bright and cheerful your room is, Susan. My stuff is all in the basement now that our house is for sale. I hope to get to do some crafting yet this Fall. I always work better in a bright, organized, clean environment, too. (even though I create a big mess as I go along). xo Diana

    1. Trust me, the mess will start piling up again as soon as I start making the rag dolls :-)

  6. So soft & pretty. Its just enchanting. I love all the little sewn items with buttons & rick rack. Charming, simply charming. I wish I had a whole room to craft in. My sewing machine is on a table in our front room. It is by a big window, which is nice. Keeping everything tidy, not so nice. Lol.

  7. Susan your studio is so pretty and bright! I can see it is your happy place!

  8. Bi Susan--' it looks great! Oh yes ive been following Susans voyage and adventures--- adore her books! Just finished the second one in the memoir series--oH they were SO GOOD werent they??! I Just know this trip will be a new book too-- i hope

  9. Love your sweet studio! I need to clean my space's gotten messy to the point it's distracting instead of inspiring. I forget to eat too when I get in the zone! Happy creating!

  10. I would love to have a little spot like that. I think it just might happen in our next house. The colors you've shown today are so sweet. :)


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