Friday, October 28, 2016

Missing Days Gone By

I had a tough week.  Wednesday would have been my Daddy's birthday
and I sure do miss him.  He has been gone for six years, but not a day
goes by that I do not think of him.  This week I especially missed him.

Now that I have become an orphan, I sometimes feel lost and alone.
Don't misunderstand, I have a very loving and supportive husband,
but there are times when I really miss the family I once had.  

The other problem is my adjustment to living in Texas once again.
I love my house and my neighborhood, but it is still taking some
effort to feel at home here.  At this time of year, I miss the beautiful
fall colors of the north.  I miss the cool, crisp days.  I miss wearing
sweaters and drinking hot cider and all the plentiful apples.
It just seems that a big part of my life is gone forever and now 
I have to build a new one and that's not so easily done.  It's a part
of me I can't get back.  A part of me I once loved and now gone

So, if I get a bit teary sometimes, it's not a tragedy, it's a 
period of adjustment and I will adapt eventually.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I completely understand how you feel, I too lost my dad and yes there are parts of my life that I feel are "gone forever", its a feeling that is hard to describe but I do know exactly what you are talking about. Hugs and prayer for you.

    With Love,

    Debbie Kay

  2. I'm so sorry about your dad. Praying you will adjust to your new life in Texas. This weather is terrible.

  3. Susan my Mom will be gone 38 years in December and my Dad 30 years this past September and I think of them constantly. That was the first thing I thought of when my Dad died well I guess I am an orphan now. I am married with three "kids" and still feel like I am missing something. When my last "kid" eloped the first thing I thought of was wait until I tell his Grandmother. I will remember you and your parents in my prayers tonight.

  4. Susan- I understand 100% what you are going through. I lost my dad when I was 21 and my mother when I was 35. Three years ago I lost my only sibling. The old farmstead has been sold (some still waiting to be sold) and I often feel like I have been disconnected from my past. I do love my life but there are times when I long for the sweet simplicity I grew up with...and the mountains. Oh! How I miss the mountains. xo Diana

  5. Susan, I am so sorry that you're feeling so alone. Losing our parents is something we never seem to really get over. Please know that you have so many friends who love you. xo Laura

  6. I completely understand as I am an empty nester and feel very lonely. Change is good and new beginnings are necessary. Hang in there, get out, be around people and take it a day at a time. This too will pass. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE CUBS WINNING. I read your blog about how you could not watch the game. It was a nail biter last night but they did it. I live in St. Charles, MO and the Cardinals and the Cubs enjoy some rivalry. They so deserve this.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.