Saturday, October 8, 2016

My Struggle With Fibromyalgia

Today is not a good day for me.  It's not the weather, because it is 
beautiful outside.  The best weather we have experienced in months.
Yet, it's hard to me to get out there and enjoy it right now because I 
am having a Fibromyalgia flare-up.  It's probably the worst flare-up
I have ever had.  I have been fortunate because the last one was
two and one half years ago after my Mom died.

I was originally diagnosed years ago, before I was married.  The 
townhouse I was living in was struck by lightning during a summer
storm.  It burned to the ground while I was at work leaving me
homeless and left with just the clothes on my back and my car.
The car was stolen from a Houston shopping parking lot two
weeks later while I was inside a Target store buying household
items for my new apartment.

My world had fallen apart and I fell apart physically too.  I
went to a doctor who could find nothing wrong with me 
despite my panic attacks, and pain all over my body and
the most debilitating headaches and fatigue.  He came to the
conclusion that I had Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is not a disease, it is a syndrome that leaves it's victim 
suffering with pain throughout the body.  It doesn't affect the joints like
arthritis does, but rather deep muscle tissue.  It can be a dull ache or 
sometimes a stabbing pain.  It often causes stiffness and limits ease of
mobility.  It disrupts sleep especially when sleep is needed.   Researchers
have show that during a flare-up the brain activity during sleep increases
so the sufferer is not getting the deep sleep needed to maintain a
healthy body.  During a flare-up, I wake up in the morning feeling  
almost more tired and achey than when I went to sleep.

There is no cure for this syndrome.  Hopefully this current flare-up
will not last too much longer, or at least will become less intense.
As I said, the last flare-up was two and one half years ago and when
I am symptom free, I am a very energetic person.  Right now I have
so little energy.  Yesterday when I went to the grocery store I could
hardly wait to finish and get home again.  I was exhausted.

All I can do now is take care not to over do and to try to get a
good night's sleep.  I am praying that this will come to an end
soon and that I can return to the life I love.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. That is terrible. Your story has to be an inspiration to other people who struggle. I imagine coming back from all you went through was difficult. You are an inspiration to me. I hope your flare up ends quickly. Blessings.

    1. I am a tiny little person with a big spirit, that's why Bentley and I are so alike. While I have had challenges in my life, I have received many blessings also. This will pass, and I will feel good once again. I try to remain positive and cheerful. Thank you for your blessings and kind words.

  2. I am praying for pain relief for you and a return of energy. The photos in this post are so pretty and tranquil.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and thoughtful heart.

  3. Susan, hopefully this will pass soon and you will be back to your energetic self. I can't imagine loosing all one had and starting over. You are a strong, brave individual. Sending you hugs from Austin.

    1. Thank you Sarah. You are such a dear person and I treasure our friendship.

  4. My prayers and thoughts are with you!

  5. I'm so sorry that your having to go theough this. I suffer from panic and attacks. I have the arthritis and other things.. So I inderstand pain and panic all to well. I hope it passes very soon for you prayer and hugs and much love Janice

    1. I will pray for you Janice. I don't want you to panic or be in pain.

  6. Sending my love and prayers♥ Enjoy the beautiful weather♥

  7. Susan, I'm so sorry you are suffering right now. I've had fibro (diagnosed)close to 18 years now. It is a life changer for sure; in the sense that you don't recognize the pained-you when you flare. My mind is willing but 9 times out of 10 the body isn't and if you overdo it-boy, you pay for it. Give yourself whatever helps you get through it-be it rest, warm tea, whatever! Hoping it doesn't last long for you and you can get back to feeling yourself again.

    1. I am learning about over doing. My grandmother used to often say "my spirit is willing but my body is not". I understand that saying better now. Thank you for your kind words and I hope that you are pain free right now.

  8. Your health is most important so rest and recover. Prayers to you!

  9. I have Lyme disease. My symptoms are very similar. I feel your pain. I'm so sorry that your in a flare up! But I know from experience that better days do come as will yours. Will pray for a speedy recovery. You've been through so much, something like this will not keep you down for long.

    1. I hope you are managing your disease and have lots of good days and few poor ones. I slept very well last night and am much less achey today. Thank you for stopping by and may you have a blessed day.

  10. Sending a very gentle hug and lots of prayers! You are smart enough to know what to do to get yourself moving again. Rest and pamper yourself. Does Bentley know when his mommy doesn't feel well? My dogs are a great comfort to me when I don't feel well or am down.

    1. Thank you Donna. Yes, Bentley knows when I don't feel well and stays right by my side. He's my little angel.

  11. Susan, I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling well and that you are suffering with such an awful disease. I pray you'll feel better soon.


  12. Best of luck. It's hard to live with chronic illness and pain.

  13. I am not a doctor, as you'll soon see by my non-scientific comment. It sounds like the stress of those incidents settled in you somehow or caused a reaction, even a physical one or maybe psychological. It just seems like that was the tipping point. Then when you had it again after losing your Mom, it just sounds like it was a shock to your system.

  14. so sorry for your set back in health. Hope you feel better soon.

  15. Sending prayers for healing to you. Big Arizona hugs to you.

  16. Susan, I'm sorry that you are unable to enjoy the nice weather. I, too, have some autoimmune problems but not fibro. I'm sure you have researched, but are you familiar with the Autoimmune Protocal (AIP) diet? It's an elimination diet that determines your "trigger" foods that cause inflammation. Gluten is the most problematic food for most. A functional medicine doctor is your best bet. Rheumatologists are not trained to find the root cause of our problems but rather give you meds to suppress the symptoms. I have two relatives that see a functional med dr in Victoria. They are pleased with their results. As I said, I'm sure you have researched this but in the event this is new info, I wanted to share. Hugs.

  17. I am sorry that you have fibromyalgia. I also have it but have been able to pretty much get rid of all symptoms. I will say that I also have lupus, sjogren's, and a few more autoimmune diseases. I read that you are doing a special diet. 3 years ago I started seeing a Functional Medicine Doctor. He put me through a detox diet taking me off of all common allergens plus caffiene, any prepackaged foods, fast foods, anything with chemicals in it and gluten. Then you add in the common allregens one at a time to see which ones your body has a reaction to. You only do one food per week. It turned out that I couldn't tolerate many foods. So now I try to eat oraganic non GMO foods. I feel so much better. I still wake up and get up every couple of hours and I still have neck and shoulder pain but I have my life back. 3 years ago I was headed to a nursing home and now I go to the gym and live my life. There is a book that has my program in it. It is Metamorphosis by Dr. Charles Webb. I hope this info help you.

  18. You have had it rough these past few years, and I am sorry to hear you are having a flare-up. It sounds like it's taking its toll on you and wearing you down. I hope this flare-up passes quickly and you are able to get back to being you.

    Agnes Lawson @ Pain Relief Experts


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