Sunday, October 9, 2016

Sunday in My Studio

I had a very good night's sleep last night and woke up feeling so much
better this morning.  I decided to just continue to take it easy today
despite the feeling that I can do anything.  David is playing in the 
Bluebonnet Golf Tournament today and tomorrow, so Bentley and I
are on our own and just hanging out together.

When I head to my studio, I put on my favorite music.  At the 
moment I am listening to the soundtrack from the movie Little Women.
I have always been so influenced by music and whatever I listen to 
really changes my mood.  Does music affect you this way too?

Color influences me too.  I am not a neutral girl.  Too much brown,
beige or gray makes me feel sad after a while.  Lately I have been
loving yellow.  

I have been finding more ways to incorporate yellow into the color
scheme of my studio.  I always want this space to feel happy and
cheery.  I have some vintage yellow pillowcases that I want to 
turn into throw pillows.  

When I found this little yellow chick at a thrift shop years ago, I didn't 
have any yellow in my color scheme at the time, but could not pass 
him up.  Suddenly he feels right at home.

Thank you for all your kind words regarding my Fibromyalgia battle.
I hate feeling sorry for myself, but yesterday I was.  Today things are
looking up and I will survive.  Wait, I know I have a CD with that 
song on it somewhere ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I feel your pain re fibromyalgia. It is not fun. I love yellow, and I think it is the color of happiness!

  2. Yellow should brighten you up some. It is so preempt and cheerful. I need to wear brighter colors, but my closet is full of blacks.

  3. Fibro is such a robber. It saps your energy and takes small happinesses away from you. Several years ago they thought I had it and then they diagnosed me with inflammatory arthritis instead. It is VERY similar and has flares, etc, but shows up on bloodwork-where fibro doesn't. I have not had a flare (knock on wood) in about 3-1/2 years. So, I have some small idea of what you go through.

    My mother always kept her kitchen painted a sunny light yellow and I always associate that color with home and comfort. Love your yellow bits and pieces.

    Hope you have a wonderful week, Susan! xo Diana

  4. Happy to see you feeling better and I'm loving the yellow. Big hugs.

  5. Happy to see you feeling better and I'm loving the yellow. Big hugs.

  6. Good sleep helps so much. Happy you are feeling better.

  7. So thankful that you are feeling better! One of my dearest of friends battles fibromyalgia as well. Good rest seems to help her and tea.
    Love yellow-I had a lot of yellow in one of my homes-it made be very happy:)


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