Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Recipe For A Cozy January Afternoon

I always find that there is a bit of a let down after Christmas has
passed.  All the excitement and activities seem to come to a speedy
stop.  The days are often cold and gray, and spring seems like a 
very long way off.  It's the time when I just want to snuggle up
with Bentley and read a good book and maybe take a nap.  

Some books are cozy and bring sunshine to a gray day.  A good
mystery is always a nice way to loose oneself.  I just started a 
collection of vintage Nancy Drew books.  The graphics on the 
dust jackets are wonderful!  Claudia over at Mockingbird Hill Cottage,
has been collecting these vintage books and I have been so
enamored with them that I have started my own collection.

The dust jacket on this book is so enticing.  How could you not
want to know why that man is moving the painting?   Is there
a safe behind it?  A note?  What could it be?  And will Nancy
be discovered hiding behind the sofa?  I just must know the
answers to these questions!

The interior page is no less intriguing!

I never read any of the Dana Girls books.  Did you?

Of course a cold and gray January day is perfect for touring the
English countryside with Susan Branch.  Let's put the kettle on
and enjoy!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. My sister and I read all the Nancy Drew books when we were children. I think she still has copies, but not sure. I'll ask her. I know I don't have them. Enjoy your cozy afternoon.

  2. I loved Nancy Drew books and love the covers on the one's Claudia are collecting. I love to read and curl up with my sweet kitty and a good book.

    1. I like the book jackets on Claudia's copies too!

  3. I loved Nancy Drew when I was a girl...the Bungalow Mystery was my first!

    1. I'm pretty sure I must have read the Bungalow Mystery when I was young, but don't remember it. Good reason to read it once again :-)

  4. Oh- Nancy Drew was my heroine when I was young. I so wanted to be her---ripping along in that little roadster she had. I never read the Dana girl books either and I don't ever remember seeing them anywhere. I still have a few of my old Nancy Drew books. xoDiana

  5. OH, me too......I wanted to be her!!! They were great stories and I still have all of my books. Never read the Dana girl books either.

    I love winter, it is a time to rest and replenish your spirit. xoxoxo

    1. I don't mind winter either. I agree that it's time to rest and replenish and the gift at the end of the season is spring!

  6. These cold gray days are perfect for a good read. Or making soup, Or just nesting. Love that book cover and no I never red those when I was a girl. I did love the all the Susan Branch books though. Happy reading!

    1. You must read Nancy Drew! Go to the library and start reading through the series. I think you will love it!

  7. I never read the Dana Girls, but my sister and I were keen (sorry for the pun) readers of Nancy Drew.

    I gave my sister a leather bound boxed set of 6 Nancy Drew books a few years ago for Christmas. It was a new set, and unfortunately, no great book jackets, but it was still a fun gift to give her.

  8. I loved the Nancy Drew books, I still have some that were mine (they are vintage now) and some that were my mother's (very vintage!). And I read Dana Girls books too, and loved them too - and Hardy Boys and Bobbsey Twins and anything else I could get my hands on - Cherry Ames, etc.

  9. Our of curiosity, I looked, and you can still find Dana Girls books (used but still readable)!

    1. Thanks for checking Joy! I think I will look for one.

  10. I agree with you Susan, it's the perfect recipe for a cold, dreary day like we are having today in Dallas! How I loved those Nancy Drew books! I was completely devastated that my daughter took absolutely no interest in them, lol. Maybe I will go on the hunt for a few vintage ones to amuse myself! Happy Winter, sweet friend! xo, Andrea

    1. Hi Andrea! I am sorry your daughter was uninterested in Nancy Drew. Perhaps there is another series she enjoys. What amazes me is how long Nancy has remained popular. Several generations of Nancy fans now!

  11. I read every Nancy Drew book in out little library. I remember it took up a whole shelf; such riches!!! I also love all the Little House on the Prairie series as well. I gave a set of those to a grandaughter and just like Andrea in the above post, received no feedback, barely a thank you. Depressing!!!! There's nothing better than a cozy couch and a good book.....any of course, a little doggie!!!!!!!

    1. I am sorry you did not receive a thank you. Sadly, that courtesy is often missing today. Thank you for visiting me today and wishing you a Happy New Year!

  12. First off, I agree. January just seems drab after all the Christmas hustle and bustle are gone and the pretties put away. Sigh. A nice book and cup of tea (or hot chocolate!) is always a nice way to pass an afternoon. I loved Nancy Drew growing up. I have a few of the books still. Never read the Dana Girl stories. I adored all the horse books I could get my hands on...Misty, Stormy, The Black Stallion, and so on. As for Susan Branch, I adore her artwork and very much want to read that book!
    Stay cozy!

    1. Do read any and all of Susan Branch's books. They are wonderful and joyful!

  13. I loved all the Nancy Drew and Bobbsey Twins books. I have never heard of the Dana Girl books. May need to hunt some down.

  14. I read Nancy Drew too. I also have that English Susan Branch book and I have yet to read it. I must curl up on the couch and give it a look. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home.

  15. I grew up reading several mystery series but Nancy was my hero!! I hadn't read any years, but when I was pregnant with my daughter, I re-read several of my favorites. She grew to be a Nancy Drew lover too, a sweet blessing for her mother :) She treasures her collection, many of which were mine, though none with beautiful dust jackets like yours. Thanks for sharing your precious books with us at Vintage Charm, Susan--

  16. I just read A Fine Romance and have started the Martha Vineyard book. I just love Susan Branch!


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