Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Saying Goodbye to the Holidays

Christmas was fun.  We decorated two big trees, baked cookies, went 
to a formal holiday ball, visited friends, and had a wonderful holiday
trip to San Antonio.  David was off for 10 full days, which was a real
treat for me.  

We came back to town just before New Year's Eve and spent 
the evening with our neighbors and good friends.  I have not blogged
much of late because I was trying to savor the holiday.

And now it's over.  David has returned to work and it's time for me
to take down all the decorations and pack them up for next year.  
I will be purging some things and that always feels good.

I have been thinking about making some changes too.  I really
feel ready to start fresh this new year.  Some new paint, some
new window treatments, and landscaping.  It's time to get the
old oak trees trimmed.  That will be a big project and will take
at least two full days.  We have been talking about putting in a 
pool and had some plans drawn up.  Lots of ideas floating

As much fun as the holidays were, it's fun to look ahead
and make new plans.  I'm anxious to get started and y'all
are welcome to come along for the ride!

I treasure your friendship and I pray that 
2017 brings happiness and good health and love
to all of you.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds like a peaceful holiday. Love the truck pillow.
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward

    1. Happy New Year Lily and Edward! Bentley says "woof".

      Susan and Bentley

  2. Sounds like a wonderful start to the new year. I'm going to finally get my home de-cluttered and purge some of my collections. I'm looking for a simpler life! Let's hope this is the year it happens!

    1. Goodwill, Salvation Army and the consignment shop will be seeing me in 2017! Let's go simple for 2017!!

  3. Glad you had a great holiday. Sounds like some fun projects are in the works. We'll be there to follow along!

    1. Looking forward to seeing what you are doing too!

  4. Hi Susan! I'm so glad you had such a nice holiday! How exciting with all these projects rolling around in your tiny head. I'll be along for the ride. Happy New Year, sweet friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Susan, I spent the past two days reorganizing and putting away the Christmas things. I thought I'd do some purging too, but I failed in that department. I've been editing out for the past few years, and decided their isn't much more I can let go of at this time. As long as it fits in the space, I'm OK with keeping things. ;-)
    Fresh new paint is in order here too. Hope it happens in the new year.

  6. I gave some decorations to grands and some donated to goodwill and some went in the dumpster...feel much better about having less to store all year. Working on closets now..ugg

    1. Ugg is right! I always feel better when things are clean and tidy, it's the process that I don't especially like ;-)

  7. Hi Susan, so glad you enjoyed a great holiday. Sounds like some fun ahead for you with home projects. It's always great to start fresh with new ideas. Looking forward to your adventures this year. Wishing you a happy new year!! Blessings xo

  8. First of all, Susan, I love your cozy picture with the fire blazing! I want to come and sit in that chair with a good book and a cup of tea. It sounds like you have some good projects to begin 2017. Happy New Year blessings to you!

  9. Would have liked to see a photo of formal holiday ball outfit! We went simple this year our tree just white lights and all ( and I mean a lot ) of glass icicles on tree and beaded garland. Easy to put up and take down Happy 2017

  10. Happy New Year Susan! Looking forward to what the new has to bring. Our home is on the market so we might find us living in the mountains in 2017. Living in Texas with it hot Summer days and nights makes a pool sound so inviting. Wishing you a happy healthy 2017. Time for me to get the tree taken down, but every time it say I will do it tomorrow I get a call to show the house.

  11. Happy New Year, Susan, David and Bentley. I love your style, so I was going to say you can purge some things my way, but your recipients are surely deserving.


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