Friday, March 31, 2017

Garden Daydreams

The weather has been so lovely with warm and fresh mornings and
cool, pleasant evenings.  It's the not too hot, not too cold weather of
late March in South Texas.  Oh if only I could capture this weather and
replay it throughout the rest of the spring and into the summer.  
Technology has not been able to produce an app yet that will do just
that, but maybe one day.

Until then, I have full blown spring fever and it is coloring my attitude
a fresh crisp green with touches of pale pink.  It's such a happy, no
cares in the world type of attitude.   It's the kind of weather that 
encourages day dreams and trips to the garden center and wanting to
spread joy where ever I go.

I feel so blessed.

I am learning more about which plants die and which ones thrive
throughout spring and summer.  Mexican heather is a great perennial
that can stand up to the heat that looms ahead of us.  I purchased two
plants last spring and will be buying some more.  I checked on my
bottle brush and it is about to bloom again.  It was so spectacular
last year and am anxious to see if it repeats the show.  I have two
knock out rose bushes that suffered last summer but seem to be 
coming back so I will be babying them along now.  All of the ginger
that froze during a cold snap is coming back now.  It seems to grow 
several inches per day.  Amazing!

I suppose I should go inside and start fluffing up the house so that
it looks good for a while before we mess it up again over the
weekend ;-)  Yes, we can be messy on the weekends!  I hope your
weekend is wonderful and full of fun.  I know that mine will be.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Sweet Friend - I'm ready for some warmer weather. We're still on the cooler side. Maybe next week....

    Have a great weekend.


  2. First sunny day in forever here in Washington. It was so nice. My son took me to Snohomish today so I could look at all the beautiful historic homes. The oldest was dated 1890. I was in awe looking at all the beautiful architecture & the lovely gardens surrounding the homes. If only I could have gone inside some of them. I can just imagine the built-ins they would have. Built for function back in the day of course, but oh so cute & decorative today.

  3. Still no Spring here, but the bunnies are out in my house and that's all I can do for now! I have that garden book and I love the vintage look of it. It looks great on your table with your pretty furniture!

  4. Your photos make me wish for a garden. I need to find heat resistant plants that deer won't eat! Wish me luck!

  5. Beautiful weather here in Atlanta! The only problem is this yellow pine pollen that coats everything inside and out of the house. They say it only lasts 2 1/2 weeks, but I swear it last at least a month, during the time of year that's actually the best time to be outside. Thanks for sharing your lovely home and garden!

  6. I guess you don't get the awful green pollen that lasts until May that we get here in east Texas! Your plants and porch are beautiful in pink.


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