Monday, April 3, 2017

Pillows Add Personality And Punch

It's no secret that I love pillows.  I think they add personality to a room
and can reflect who you are.  We are dog lovers.  Y'all have met Bentley
and he is an important member of the family.  Over the past 29 years, I
have lived with three different Yorkies and each of them 
heart stealers.  So when I saw this petit point pillow I just knew it
belonged in our home.  It's sitting in one of the leather chairs by the
bookshelves in our family room.  And why not?  After all, our 
Yorkies have always been comfy on our furniture :-)

Sweetness and sass.  That's a Yorkie personality.

I also love horses and I think the colors of this pillow are just
perfect with the crewel fabric on this chair.

This thoroughbred is framed with the names of famous race tracks in

My very first dog as a child was a Scottie named Bonnie, so here is a
pillow in her memory.  Once again, this pillow is a perfect reflection of
our personalities because we always travel with our dogs.

Chintz, gingham and Paris.  My three loves.

Toile and checks.  The two should never be far apart.

Here come the dogs again.

Florals and plaids go together like checks and toile, at least for
me they do.  I love pillows and although I think they can add a
punch of color or pattern in a room, I think it's also a girl thing ;-)
Unless it's a pillow that David can rest his head on, I don't
think he really cares what they look like ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your home just couldn't be any prettier!

    1. Thank you so much Stacey! That is so very kind of you.

  2. Color me inspired! I've been trying to figure out what to do with that living room of ours while saving up for new furniture. This will be a good way to white knuckle it through...a couple of fun new toss pillows!

    1. Hi Alycia! Pillows and throws. If you are a sewer, you can create some stunning and inexpensive pillows too. Also, check out eBay and etsy.

  3. I love your blog and your decorating style. I am really over all white rooms and it is so refreshing to find a blog where color is still used and the rooms are so cozy and homey. Your pillows are darling and show a lot of personality. I have recently realized I also want unusual pillows, just having color is not enough. Your rooms show such personality, and I like what you have done.

    1. Thank you. I really decorate to suit myself and I am not a slave to trends. Our family room is where we spend much of our time indoors and like a really comfy spot. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Love the yorkie pillow and yorkies for that matter.

  5. I love the checks and toile. So pretty. The yorkie pillow is a darling.


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