Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Come Spend the Morning at My House

It's Wednesday morning,  just a few more days until Easter.  Our bed is
so comfy and some mornings are hard to pull myself away from the 
coziness, but today I'm ready to jump out of bed and meet the day.

Bentley however, is not.  He has already been out very early this morning
and his favorite thing to do is to come back inside, eat his morning treatie, 
and then come right back to bed for a morning nap.  What a life! 
It's okay.  He earns his good life with lots of love and kisses for us. 

While Bentley naps, I have made my way into the kitchen to make 
some coffee and some toast.  Most mornings I drink hot water with lemon
first, and then make a cup of tea or coffee.  Today is a coffee morning.
This is our breakfast bar.  When it's just the two of us we eat dinner here
too.  We have a breakfast room with a farmhouse table and chairs and a
dining room too, but somehow we always end up here.

Normally I eat a bowl of oatmeal with mixed berries.  I have eaten so
many bowls of oatmeal in 2017 that I just can't face another bowl, so I am
opting for toast this morning.  White toast with blackberry jam.  Well,
at least I am getting some micro nutrients from the blackberries ;-)

I like to do the crossword puzzle and Sudoku.  I often save the crossword 
for David and he always completes the Cryptoquip.  Our local paper is the
Victoria Advocate.  Our city is really small and the paper reflects it's size,
but we subscribe because we can keep up with the local news.  We have
the Wall Street Journal delivered for more in depth news.  Makes us feel
so adult, lol.

You can't hear it, but I am playing a Rod Stewart CD in the background.
The title is Thanks for the Memory ~ Rod Stewart singing some of the 
old standards with Diana Ross.  I love old school music.  If you come to
my house you will hear this type of music playing all over the house and
especially in my office which is where I am right now.  The track that is
playing right now is You Send Me.  Remember that tune from the movie
The Holiday?  I love that movie and watch it over and over again.

I better check the Cubs standing.  I may live in Texas now, but I will always, always be
a Cubs fan!  Go Cubbies!!  They play the Dodgers this evening at 7:05 central time at
Wrigley Field.  Cubs are 4 and 2 right now.  

After the Cubs won the World Series last fall, David sent away for the commemorative
golf ball for me.  It is proudly displayed on one of the shelves in our family room.

I zoomed into the photo in the background behind the Cubs golf ball.  The third man from 
the left in the front row was David's Dad.  This photo was taken at a business conference
back in 1966.  John died of cancer just six weeks after David and I were married and
his funeral was on my birthday.  We rushed our wedding so that we could be married
on John's birthday which was June 1st.  He was only my father-in-law for a very short
time, but I was quite close to him while David and I were engaged.  He always took the
time to talk to me about everything that I was doing,  so he was a great pre-father-in-
law.  I miss him.  I imagine that if he were still alive, he would make the drive from
Houston to Victoria often and would be helping me with projects around the house
because that's the kind of Dad he was.

Time is flying by, and I would love to sit here and chat with you all day, but I
have a big long list of things to do and I better get busy or the day will be
gone before I know it. 

I better run, but let's do this again real soon ~ okay?  Bentley, are
you finished with your morning nap?  Are you ready to help your
mama?  We have lots to do :-)  But first let me pick you up and we 
can dance around the room to the song Let's Fall in Love.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


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