Tuesday, April 11, 2017

To Polish or Not to Polish Silver ???

While I was up at Marburger Farm in Round Top a couple of weeks ago,
I could not help but notice all the unpolished silver.  While I have never
been a big fan of highly polished silver and like a bit of patina and depth
that tarnish can provide, these pieces are very heavily tarnished.  They 
are so tarnished that they have more the appearance of old pewter.

What is your opinion?  Polish or never polish?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. While I would never use anything but polished silver on my table, I do like the tarnished look in vignettes. However, I don't have any of those in my house, though I certainly DO have some tarnished silverplate pieces stored away!

    1. My Mom always kept the silver polished. I think she would be mad if she knew I wasn't following her lead. However, I think living in Heaven she's not concerned about the silver, still I will polish in her memory.

  2. Is it true that over years of polishing, a bit of silver is removed? Just wondering.

    1. After some research, I have not been able to find a definitive answer to your question, but I will research it and publish my findings in another post. What I have learned, is that polishing silver before it gets too badly tarnished is a bit better for your pieces. The important thing to remember is to be gentle. Don't use abrasive cleaners and don't use a tooth brush to get into intricate details because it scratches the silver.

  3. Living in Florida it is a constant battle to keep the silver bright. The humidity starts tarnishing almost as soon as you are done.
    So, unless mine are in the hutch where the remain somewhat bright, they are out, tarnished and beautifully patina(d). I don't mind ☺

    1. I have the same problem living here in South Texas were the humidity rivals yours in Florida. The pieces on display tarnish fairly quickly, but the ones in the hutch with glass doors remain tarnish free for a much longer time. I don't mind a bit of tarnish either.

  4. Polish! I love the brightness.

  5. Polish! I love the brightness.

  6. I was a bride when everyone gave silver as wedding gifts and I have a closet full, plenty of it tarnished! It makes me smile when I see old tarnished silver in the antique markets, I need to open a booth! I am definitely in the polished camp, even though I hate to do it!

    1. I enjoy looking at the tarnished silver too, but I think I will keep polishing too.

  7. I actually enjoy polishing silver, sometimes I may get lax and it does get tarnished. Not for long tho, shiny is good...it makes me happy.

  8. I'll admit to preferring polished to within an inch of its life, but it's not always so easy. Polished is better for our style of home, but I do enjoy seeing unpolished. Oh, come to think of it...I have a very old, very tarnished teapot that I use as a vase on occasion!

  9. In my wee mind if it is Silver it deserves to shine. Even though a moan and groan, when it's done it is glorious. To each his own.

  10. Looks like the polished look is leading in the poll! I have to admit that I'm in that camp too. In fact, I'm having a gathering here tomorrow afternoon, and the polishing took place a few days ago. I even polished our copper vent hood. ;-)
    I'm actually one of those strange beings who enjoys polishing metals. I like the warmth of the glow of polished copper and brass and the sparkle of polished silver.
    Happy Easter!

    1. I like polishing too, but for some reason, I seem to like to polish the copper pots best. I wonder why?

  11. Susan, I do love patina, but I prefer to polish my silver. I had to polish silver trays this past weekend for a bridal shower! Happy Wednesday!

  12. I have a lot of silver that I use often. For example, there is always a revolving silver gallery tray on my table where I keep my personal brown Betty teapot, various china sugar and creamer sets that reflect the current season (or my mood), a silver toast rack, an etched, crystal spooner with lots of silver spoons and forks, and finally, a silver egg steamer with a quail on top. This is flanked by silver candlesticks. I also use silver trays and platters around the house as under-plates for all kinds of things, bowls with potpourri (lined for protection, of course), an epergne, etc. Counter-intuitively perhaps, silver in daily use gives the house grace and warmth, rather than a stiff, formal pretentiousness.

    I like polished silver. In fact, polishing is what I enjoy doing while I'm having a long phone conversation with family or out-of state friends. In fact, it's just about the only time I do it, so I never have a time when I have to sit and tackle all of it at once. I've polished my silver regularly for years and years and it has developed a lovely, mellow patina that is very different from an unpolished patina. Yes, some of the silver-over-copper plate has worn through a little on some pieces, but I find that very beautiful. The solid sterling, of course, does not wear through. The key is gloves, gentle polish and a very soft cloth. I order Miracle Polish, from Atlanta.

    1. You are so right about the soft cloths and good silver polish. I love the patina silver develops too. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. I am from the group that loves polished silver. It is actually fun to polish silver and I love how it shines.


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