Monday, April 17, 2017

I'm Having A Red Letter Day

I'm having a Red Letter Day.  This is an invention of Susan Branch for
a time when you need to be extra kind to yourself.  You do something
that you enjoy to bolster your spirits.

I decided to play around with some vignettes all in red and white.  I call
it play therapy.  It's hard to feel blue when you start playing with red.  I am
not having a majorly sad day, I am feeling a bit sad after a holiday.  Holidays
are just not the same anymore since Mom, Daddy, and my Aunt Susan are
gone.  Yesterday we went to brunch at our club and I felt kind of sad seeing
the big tables of families all together.  David and I sat at our little table for
two and we were up in the front and it made us feel so obvious.  I know 
that others were not staring at us, they were busy with their own 
conversations, but we felt on display.  The no kids, no family couple.
It's kind of lonely.

So today I am being extra kind to myself.  

I'll finish some chores around the house.  Do some laundry and decide
what to cook for dinner.

Put on my workout clothes and pop in a Denise Austin aerobics DVD.

Cuddle with Bentley while I finish reading Ladies' Night by 
Mary Kay Andrews.   That's how I will be spending my own
Red Letter Day.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. Always a good idea to give ourselves special time. Your vignettes are so pretty and are making me happy to just look at them. I now live near family but for many years I was alone on holidays so I know the feeling. Hugs to you and maybe another day of self care?

  2. I also have days like that. Hope you do something nice for yourself and pamper yourself today. I love all the red items you featured today, and I have to say I love your decorating style and look forward ton every post.

  3. I just love it when people use expressions vintage expressions from my childhood!!! I haven't heard anyone refer to a Red Letter Day in quite some time! Glad you enjoyed yours!!!

  4. Love your vinyettes ! Red is the best!


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