Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tender Moments

I love the Spring.  Everything is so tender and pretty as if the whole 
world was in soft focus.  It's such a dreamy time of year too, when
reality just seems to slip away for a while.

In the morning, everything feels so fresh and new and the air in
the garden is filled with the chorus of birds.

I just want to take every moment in and hold it close to 
my heart.

So as you go about your day, don't rush.  Hold on to these tender
moments and treasure them for what they are,  gifts from nature.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh! Your teapot! I just adore!

  2. Susan, what a lovely post, thanks for the reminder to enjoy every moment as a gift!

  3. Oh my! Such eye candy! I love your china pieces, and I love your post today.

  4. You make the day start out so much better. Thank you dear friend.


  5. What a wonderful reminder, thank you Susan!

  6. I love Spring, too, Susan. It was in the 40s here today and the weeping willows have some green on them so I an hoping that we are headed towards some warm spring days. Have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana

  7. Spring is certainly a glorious time of year. I love that the birds are boisterously flitting about. I especially like it when we can walk outside with nothing more than a sweater for warmth. Your dishes are so pretty, by the way.

  8. Your blog came up on Bloglovin as one I might like. Bloglovin was right! Your blog is beautiful and inspiring, and I do indeed like it. Your lovely florals have certainly brought beauty to my day,

    Patti @ Joy in the Middle

  9. What a wonderful post. I love spring and I love how you express such wonderful feelings. You do have a beautiful blog.

  10. Susan, you put into words exactly how I feel about spring. My favorite time of year! I love all of your pretty teacups. I have been gathering some to put in a basket for a Mothers Day vignette. I love how you added the teapot! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.