Wednesday, May 31, 2017

I'm Crushing on Succulents

Every time I go to the nursery I see more and more wonderful succulents.
I picked up a couple last weekend to put into this cream and sugar set
I picked up at a thrift shop years ago.  Now they are at home on a wicker
table on the veranda.

I moved this bowl of succulents to a place that has more protection 
because they were getting too soggy.   Hopefully they will be 
happier here.

I bought a hen and chicks plant for this shell above.  I need more plants now!
I also did not realize that I need cactus soil, so that is on my list now too
along with some sand and more pebbles.

I found this YouTube video and I want to plant by dough bowl like this
now too.  It's a great project and a good video, but you will need to wait
for a short commercial for it to begin.

Don't y'all want to try this?  I sure do!
Happy planting.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love succulents but don't seem to have good luck with them. I need to watch this video and see if it gives me some tips!

  2. I have been buying succulents in a sheet/pack from Lowes for several years. I love them and have them in baskets and tufa troughs. They stand up really well.

  3. Looking good. There is a wonderful lady at our weekly Flea Market that sells them. But, the amazing thing is that you can either bring in or purchase a container and she'll plant it for you and does an awesome job. That way I know it's done right and don't have to buy supplies. She changes nothing if you purchase one of the succulents from her and they are very reasonable - $3-$5.

    Have a good weekend.


  4. Thank for sharing the video, Susan! When I was in Ohio, my sister and I went to a beautiful garden area and they were featuring succulents this year. I saw some that were done in frames and some in wreaths.


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