Thursday, June 1, 2017

Our 28th Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 28th wedding anniversary.  I am stunned at how fast the 
years have passed.  We have survived many good times, and many sad
ones too.  We have lived through good economic years and some rough 
ones.  We have lived in Virginia, Idaho and now back to Texas.  All of
 our moves were big ones we managed to build a happy and healthy
home in each state.  

We held each other up as our parents passed away.  We cried together
through our miscarriages.    

We have enjoyed some really great travels together.  Summers up in 
David's family cottage in New Hampshire.  Winter visits to my parents
in Arizona.  Many, many trips during our years in Virginia to Williamsburg
and up and down the eastern seaboard.  When we moved to Idaho, we 
vacationed in Sun Valley and McCall and Seattle, Washington and 
Portland, Oregon.  We also spent a lot of time on the Oregon Coast.

We made trips to California, San Francisco, La Jolla and Palm Springs.
Now that we are back in Texas, we often travel to Houston, San Antonio
and Austin.  We have always traveled with our Yorkies, first Bitterman,
then Binkie and now Bentley.

I can't imagine my life without David.  Our lives have settled into one of
happy contentment and I love him dearly.  

I read that the divorce rate has dropped in recent years.  It's still high, 
but it's an improvement.  Here is the link to the article.  To young marrieds
I have these words of wisdom.  Cherish your marriage.  Laugh and enjoy
each other's company.  Hold each up when times get rough, and they will.
Build a solid nest to share and enjoy each moment, because the years go
by so quickly.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Happy Anniversary! We celebrate 35 years in August. I would add to your advice that love is more than a feeling. It's a conscious decision each day to choose to love your spouse. On those days -and they will happen- when you aren't even sure you like him/her all that much, choose love.

  2. Even tho life has its up and downs, so nice you and hubby have survived and doing great. Wishing you many more blessed years. I am sure you will do better back in Texas. I am in Fort Worth. Never lived anywhere but Texas.

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  4. Happy Anniversary! The years pass quickly, so take lots of pictures of your journey together. Write in a journal daily, weekly or at least often because you will forget so many things and it is nice to go back and remember. My husband and I will celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary this December 31st. Where has the time gone because it sure doesn't seem like it's been that long.

  5. Hi Susan & David. Congratulations on your anniversary. I wish you well and happy for many years to come. My hubs and I will celebrate our 53rd in Oct of this year. ~ carol


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