Monday, July 10, 2017

Camp Shabby

I constructed this little teepee in the guest room last week and decorated
it with a cowgirl theme.  I was about to take it down, but suddenly I was
inspired to create a very cottage style pretend campsite I am calling
 Camp Shabby.

With three wooden dowels and a canvas tarp from Lowes, I constructed
the teepee in minutes.  No sewing, and no stapling or tacks.  I just wound
string around the dowels, cut a small hole to the tarp to fit through and I
was done.  I headed back to Lowes and found a little white trellis, some
flowers and a little terra cotta planter and I was on my way.

I painted a little sign and added some craft flowers.  The flowers were left
over from the ones I added to the ribbon on the sun bonnet and that is
now hanging on the trellis.

It was a fun way to spend a very hot afternoon here in South Texas.
Hope you enjoyed my little bit of whimsey!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Calming...I like it! Especially love that blue print with the fuschia flowers. This looks like a soothing place to sit and think.

  2. CUTE idea!!! Stay cool there in a Texas! We're starting to get crunchy here in Missouri!!! 😰

    1. We are melting here and it's only July 10th!!! I am trying hard to learn to love it, but it's a struggle ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for your kind words Debbie! You should make one. So much fun!

  4. So sweet, It reminds of my camper it is like playing ,when we camp
    Im going to do a post on the camper one of these day
    Its been fun to visit

    1. Thanks Laura! I agree, camping allows our creativity to fly!

  5. I love this! And to think they sell "teepees" for kids at such a high price! Your design was genius!
    xo Kathleen|Our Hopeful Home

  6. CUTE idea!!! Stay cool there in a Texas! We're starting to get crunchy here in Missouri!


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