Thursday, July 6, 2017

Cowgirl Up Glamping

Hey y'all!  I realized that it's been a long, long time since I posted a
glamping scene, so I decided to put one together.  This one is a little
bit different because it's a Wild West style of glamping where we are
not only allowed, but encouraged, to release our inner cowgirl.

I'll tell you what ~ it's way too hot to be glamping out in the back yard,
so I set up a little teepee inside in the guest room where there is air 
conditioning and we can watch old westerns on dvd.  Or, I also have a
big stack of chick flicks.  Take your pick.

Come on inside the teepee.  We have plenty of bling and coziness too.

I'll lend you some of my cowgirl jewelry.

Take off your cowgirl hat and I'll pour you some wine, or sweet tea
if you prefer.  Bentley and I really appreciate you stopping by and
we will do our best to make y'all feel at home.

Well cowgirls, the sun is getting low in the western sky.  Time to
dream about riding the range.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Fun way to entertain yourself on these hot Texas days. I'm with you, cowgirl. Give me AC and a glass of iced tea!

  2. This is so fun Susan! I have a couple of granddaughters that would love it. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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