Friday, August 18, 2017

A Chaotic and Frightening Week

From the threat of a nuclear war, to terrorist attacks in Barcelona, to
bloodshed on our own soil, and now stabbings in Finland, this has been
one heartache and worry filled week.  I have done my best to limit the 
news I watch and listen to, but it's hard to keep one's head in the sand
every minute of every day when each day seems to bring another 
nightmare.  I try to stay upbeat and happy both for my own mental
health, but also for the sake of my family and friends.  It's not an easy
task in today's world.  

When I consider this world of today, I have to wonder why it is that
some seem to be so intent on tearing apart it's very fabric.  There have
been so many advancements in science and medicine that have eliminated
deadly disease and prolonged life.  Technology has streamlined our lives
and increased the opportunity of an education for many.  There are 
chances for many who were left behind in the past.

Are we perfect?  No, we are not, and there is always room for advancement.

I wonder why we can't focus on the goodness and the ability to help
one another and to strive against suffering.  That's where we should be
putting our energy to use ~ building up and not tearing down.  

Whatever happened in the past, is just that, the past.  We can't go back
and change it, as much as we would like.  We can learn from the past and
strive not to make the same mistakes.  

Forgiveness is not always easy.  I have experience with forgiveness and it
is something I have struggled to embrace.  However, if I were to remain in
a state of anger and resentment, it would be as though I was constantly
removing the scab on an old wound, and I could never heal.  I believe this 
is true for society as well.  At some point, we have to chose to accept the 
past and to realize that we need to make changes so that we all can have
a bright future.

Isn't that what we all want for ourselves, our families and our fellow
man?  A brighter future where we do our best to serve one another?

The choice is ours.  Do we move ahead and plan for better days, or do
we hang on to century old resentments and preclude any chance for
the advancement of growth?  

It's easy to hide our heads in the sand and ignore the problems of our
world, and I certainly could happily hang out in my cozy corner and
ignore the what is happening just outside my door.  I can't really do that,
nor can anyone else.  We could all use some time out to cool off and
put things in perspective.  The choice is always ours to spread goodness
or to spread hate.  It is my hope that we can focus on the positive and
scrap the negative.  Lets work together as a nation, and stop
pointing fingers of blame that only tears apart the fabric that holds
this great nation together.   We are blessed that our nation represents
every color and creed of humanity.  A house that is divided will not 
stand.  I pray that we can hold our house together for the benefit of all.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Beautiful and well said. Wishing you a wonderful weekend from Baltimore.

  2. It is just a sad state that this world is in right now. Brother pitted against brother in cities and states. Whatever happened to standing United? It breaks my heart, Susan, and I know it does yours, too.
    I do everything I can to make my little part of the world peaceful but we are surrounded by chaos that most of us have no control over.
    I hope you have a great night- xo Diana

  3. So sad that fringe groups of people have political agendas that are in fact dangerous. Wish we could all be on team USA, but some don't want that apparently. The rest of us must stand strong.

  4. Well said my friend. I've struggled with sadness and fear this week but want to move forward and be positive. It's hard.

  5. Well said Susan! Praying that people will realize that we are one Nation under God and more forward. God Bless, Jill

  6. Very well put! It is all causing so much mental and emotional stress for everyone.
    Praying for your safety and strength as you face the incoming storm.

  7. I've struggled with sadness and fear this week but want to move forward and be positive. It's hard.


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