Monday, December 31, 2018

Christmas All Through The House 2018

Christmas is over, and tonight is New Year's Eve.  We are on the cusp
of entering 2019.  A new year, new adventures and new opportunities.
I have highlighted some of our Christmas photos.  It's been fun, but
I am ready to leave 2018 behind and start a clean late.  

Thank you for visiting me so often these past twelve months.
Please know that your visits are greatly appreciated and that you
are all deeply loved.

May 2019 be filled with all the happy moments you long for, and
may all your wishes and dreams come true.

Much Love,
Susan and Bentley

Friday, December 21, 2018

Bentley's 13th Birthday December 21st

It's hard to believe it, but our baby is 13 years old today.  Born December 21, 2005 in
Boise, Idaho,  just a block down the street from us.   I knew his doggie mom and daddy
for years before Bentley was born.  He has a sister named Shorty, and a brother named
Joey.  His doggie parents were named Lady and Mr. Rags.

I knew he would be a loving puppy because he came to us from a very loving home.

Bentley has been a joy since he first joined our family.  Always such a good boy with 
a happy spirit.  Always waiting to amuse and to bring love.

He was by my side from the first day I started my blog, and often found 
himself a part of the blog action.

He always received the most amount of gifts at Christmas.  My
parents adored him and showered so much love and attention 
on him too.

The one negative about Bentley is that he has always hated to be groomed.  I don't
know why.  My groomer and I did everything possible to make it a happy
experience, but he stood his ground.  If you look closely, here he is running 
away with his hair brush!

Now Bentley makes his home with us in Texas.  He has traveled all over this
state and has been the perfect little traveler.  Here he is looking at a lovely
cottage in Fredericksburg.

Here he is in San Antonio on the Riverfront, at a dog friendly restaurant called ...
Charlie Wants a Burger
And, Bentley had a yummy burger too.

Of course he gets to stay at posh resorts with his Mama and Daddy,  and gets
to climb up on the bed pillows to get comfy.  Why?  Because we love him!!!

We are so blessed to have this little peanut in our lives.
This tribute is for you, dear Bentley, from your loving and devoted

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley, the Birthday Boy

Monday, December 17, 2018

My She Shed on Gingerbread Street

Welcome to my She Shed on Gingerbread Street!  The birds have been 
stopping by to see all of the decorations in the garden too.

This She Shed is part potting shed and also partly a creative
escape for me.  I love to get her all decorated for the seasons.

We have mail!

It's been very mild here, both yesterday and today.  It doesn't feel much
like the Christmas season should (at least for me), but I am going all
out to stay festive.

No real snow, so I had to use some from a spray can.

The rusty and vintage yard tools get decorated too.

Thank you so much for stopping by!  There will be more later, because
the inside of the shed is getting festive too.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Lunch at the Cottage

We could have a salad, that would be the healthy choice.  However,
we could have PIE.  That would be the indulgent choice.  Your

I really can't remember when we sat down at this table.  Most of the time we
eat our meals at the breakfast bar.  However, I still enjoy creating a centerpiece,
and this little deer is a favorite of mine.

Okay, getting back to the important question ... who wants pie?

It's pecan, made in Texas, and it's really yummy!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Monday, December 10, 2018

Finally ~ The Sun is Shining Once Again

Wowsa!  We had so much rain last Friday that I was beginning to worry
that we might get flooded out!  We have never been flooded here, but the
rain came down so hard and so fast that part of the patio began to look
like a pool.  I had planned to work on decorating my She Shed for 
Christmas, but there was no way I was going out in the swamp.  When
the rain finally let up, the winds started to blow and the temps dropped.
That was equally as miserable.  

Finally, today we have clear skies and the sun is warm and beautiful!
Of course, we still have a moat around our backyard, but I can live
with that until it dries out.  The toughest issue is Bentley, who likes 
the mud puddles.  He doesn't like the rain, but he joyfully gravitates
to the puddles it leaves behind.  

I have so much to do today to get caught up with my Christmas decorating plans.
I'm setting up the exterior of the She Shed Christmas Cottage, and I am also
waiting for our Christmas tree to be delivered.  I definitely need a second mug of
coffee today!  Hope your day is going well!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Creating a Cozy Christmas Cottage

Well, I was hoping to be able to decorate around the outside of the
She Shed today, but it's raining.  I think it is supposed to rain for a 
couple of days and then clear up.  I certainly do hope that will be the
case.  So I am back inside finding little spots in the house to add 
some cozy Christmas cottage charm.

This is a favorite spot in the cottage, especially on a gray and
rainy day.  Bentley loves to curl up in one of the chairs with me.
Sometimes he takes more than his share of the chair, but that's
just fine.  I am happy to indulge him.

I usually like to start my day with a mug of hot water and a slice or two
of lemon.  After that, I have a mug filled with coffee, cream, and
some kind of sweeter that isn't sugar.  Coffee in a Santa mug is
especially cozy at this time of year.

I'll be home for the rest of the day.  I am having my groceries delivered
later today.  I am loving this service.  First I started using curbside
delivery, and now I have switched to home delivery.  They pull up in
my driveway, and unload all the groceries in my back hall.  All I have
left to do is to put them away.  I feel so spoiled, but actually it is helpful
especially when I have not been feeling up to leaving the house.

I hope you have a wonderful and cozy day too!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I Have Not Been Feeling Well at All

I have been feeling so poorly for the past few months.  I have not had
the kind of energy I usually do.  I have been sneezing and coughing and
wheezing.  I am a tiny little person, but I have the loudest sneezes you
have ever heard!  It's not a sweet, dainty and feminine sneeze, but 
I do believe that I can out sneeze my hubby.  I can be way over at one end
of the house, but when I start having a sneezing fit, I can hear David 
shout "Bless You".  

I was looking forward to our trip to Tucson and while I really did enjoy
myself there, it seemed to make my condition worse.  Too much dust?
Too much cold dry air in the evenings?  Who knows, but I really
started feeling miserable on the way back to Texas.  

Something else I noticed was aggravating my condition too.  Before 
Thanksgiving I had an unfortunate encounter with a person who has
always been very toxic around me.  I have purposefully kept a wide berth
around her because I just don't want to get into anything.  I have taken 
a smile and keep my mouth shut attitude whenever there is contact with
her.  Well,  she did something that really hurt my feelings, but sadly,
it also made my physical condition worse.  I could feel my chest starting
to tighten up and some wheezing begin.  That's when a line was drawn
for me.  I don't need to have this person in my life if her association has
such a negative impact on my health.  Life is too short to look for trouble.
I wish her well, but I have moved on.

Finally, I had a second confirmation that emotions could really make my
condition worse.  Very recently I had a discussion with a friend who I
really do like, but this friend has a tendency to always complain about
a mutual acquaintance.  As I was listening to the complaints, I could
once again feel my chest tighten up, and later that night I had a very
hard time sleeping because I was coughing so much.  

The night before last, I took a Benadryl before I went to bed.  I have
used this in the past for allergies, and it works very well for me.  The
problem is that it makes me feel so groggy the next day.  That being 
said, it worked wonders.  The very next morning there was no
sneezing, no coughing, no feeling of tightness in my chest.  I didn't 
take one last night, but I still feel good today.  I can breath easily.
I'm no longer sneezing, and my eyes are not tearing up either.
I am beginning to feel like myself again, and what a wonderful
feeling that is!  The solution was much easier than I thought it would
be ....  an occasional Benadryl and only happy thoughts!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley