I have been feeling so poorly for the past few months. I have not had
the kind of energy I usually do. I have been sneezing and coughing and
wheezing. I am a tiny little person, but I have the loudest sneezes you
have ever heard! It's not a sweet, dainty and feminine sneeze, but
I do believe that I can out sneeze my hubby. I can be way over at one end
of the house, but when I start having a sneezing fit, I can hear David
shout "Bless You".
I was looking forward to our trip to Tucson and while I really did enjoy
myself there, it seemed to make my condition worse. Too much dust?
Too much cold dry air in the evenings? Who knows, but I really
started feeling miserable on the way back to Texas.
Something else I noticed was aggravating my condition too. Before
Thanksgiving I had an unfortunate encounter with a person who has
always been very toxic around me. I have purposefully kept a wide berth
around her because I just don't want to get into anything. I have taken
a smile and keep my mouth shut attitude whenever there is contact with
her. Well, she did something that really hurt my feelings, but sadly,
it also made my physical condition worse. I could feel my chest starting
to tighten up and some wheezing begin. That's when a line was drawn
for me. I don't need to have this person in my life if her association has
such a negative impact on my health. Life is too short to look for trouble.
I wish her well, but I have moved on.
Finally, I had a second confirmation that emotions could really make my
condition worse. Very recently I had a discussion with a friend who I
really do like, but this friend has a tendency to always complain about
a mutual acquaintance. As I was listening to the complaints, I could
once again feel my chest tighten up, and later that night I had a very
hard time sleeping because I was coughing so much.
The night before last, I took a Benadryl before I went to bed. I have
used this in the past for allergies, and it works very well for me. The
problem is that it makes me feel so groggy the next day. That being
said, it worked wonders. The very next morning there was no
sneezing, no coughing, no feeling of tightness in my chest. I didn't
take one last night, but I still feel good today. I can breath easily.
I'm no longer sneezing, and my eyes are not tearing up either.
I am beginning to feel like myself again, and what a wonderful
feeling that is! The solution was much easier than I thought it would
be .... an occasional Benadryl and only happy thoughts!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley