Thursday, August 5, 2010

An Interview!!

There is a great deal of excitement at Ash Tree Cottage today. I was interviewed by Giorgina for her site Decor-Medley! I feel so honored to share this spot with fellow bloggers whom I have long admired. Thank you Giorgina!!

Blogging has been such a wonderful experience for me. I have met so many new friends. It has given me a creative outlet and the opportunity to learn from others. I have not visited all of the bloggers Giorgina has interviewed, however there are a few whom I have followed for some time. These bloggers have inspired me. They are ~ Kimberly McCole of Dear Daisy Cottage, Tina Smith of Cherry Hill Cottage, Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses, the very funny Connie (and am happy to say, fellow Idahoan) of Living Beautifully, Rhoda of Southern Hospitality and lastly, Laura Ingalls Gunn of Decor To Adore. Be sure to read their interviews too, as well as those of the other bloggers!

Thanks again Giorgina. Bentley and I are honored. Aren't we Bentley???

Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan and Bentley!
    I just went and read the online article featuring you and it was wonderful!
    I didn't realize you were a professional interior decorator, duh, but I liked what you said about loving different styles. I find myself loving homes like the one in "Practical Magic" old and spooky, but then I love cement sky scrapers and penthouses too. Doesn't it make you wonder what leads us to develop the style we eventually choose? People and their "nests" are incredibly interesting!
    Have a great day Susan and give Bentley a cuddle for me....
    Tina xo

  2. Hah, you forgot to mention I'm cute, sugar!!! ;-)

  3. Congratulations!!
    I hope Bentley doesn't get too snooty now!


  4. Congratulations Susan! How wonderful and much deserved! You've been doing so many posts this week i have not had a chance to get caught up and comment.
    You and Bentley must be thrilled to pieces! I hope you go out and celebrate this one.
    Pamela xo

  5. Susan,
    I loved the interview! Great job and just brings me another step closer to knowing the great friend I have found. Oh wait, and my new poochie friend, too!

  6. P.S. Bentley, I must take a break now. Bewitched is on. Weren't Samantha's house and clothes just the greatest!

  7. That's wonderful! I shall head on over there.

  8. Congratulations! How exciting! I do follow all but one of the blogs you mentioned - I'll check that one out as soon as I check out your interview article!

  9. Wonderful news Susan, congratulations!!! Arf to Bentley, Char

  10. Congratulations Susan (and Bentley). I'm going to check it out now.


  11. That's exciting! I'm off to read the interview right now. :)

  12. What a very lovely honor. Congratulations!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.