Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon Update

It's a very blustery afternoon.  Happily, I have the afternoon
all to myself with no pressing deadlines to meet.  I threw a load of 
laundry in the washing machine, put the kettle on and made some toast.

The biggest decision I have to make right now is to decide whether I should 
read a book ~ maybe an old Agatha Christie or ...

this Philippa Gregory novel I checked out from the library.

Or maybe I will sort through some fabrics I purchased recently
for only $3.00 per yard while I watch an old movie on
Turner Classic Movies.  A Summer Place is on right now.

The movie is a bit corny, but I sure do love that mid-century modern house!
It's the Della Walker house in Carmel, CA and was designed by Frank
Lloyd Wright.  Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I was so fortunate
to visit several of his houses there.

Well, the phone just rang and it was my mom.  She has an emergency 
so Bentley and I will have to head over to her house.  It seems she
was moving furniture from one room to another and got a wing back
chair stuck in a doorway!  She can't get it out by herself and needs
our assistance.  I had a good laugh when I heard that but she doesn't
think it's too funny.  Like mother like daughter ~ always decorating!
Getting furniture stuck in doorways is an occupational hazard ;)

Okay Bentley ~ lets hop in the car and head over to grandma's house.
We have a design emergency and you know you'll be getting a treat!

Susan and Bentley


  1. Too funny about the chair Susan. Been there, done that. lol! Started out a gorgeous day here. I went out and worked on putting the gardens to rest. Wind came up and is raining now. Perfect weather for reading or watching old movies. I love those oldies but goodies. The fabric is a great buy. Glad to see that you will be sharing with SYC.

  2. Fun post. You had me with the toast and tea!

  3. Seems there are not too many dull moments with you and Bentley.

  4. Philippa Gregory is one of my favorite authors. I just bought THE CONSTANT PRINCESS. Try THE MITFORD SERIES NOVELS by Jan Karon. You'll get hooked! I hope you enjoy them. I'm on #7.


  5. As soon as I looked at that toast and jam I got hungry for some. It's one of my favorite treats. Love the little vintage toast rack. I have one in porcelain. Oh, your poor mom. Oh well, I can think of many worse things. hahaha!

  6. Your mom is such a riot.....it sounds just like something I would do when home alone!!! LOL
    Hopefully she got the room the way she envisioned it?!?!

  7. I love plaid, I would have my toast on it anytime. It's a day brightener! Happy Rednesday!

  8. I am a new follower from www.mamawsplace4.blogspot.com. Hope you will follow back. Your mom sounds like my mom. We are both always rearranging furniture. I have been arranging my work space this morning. Hope you get the chair unstuck.

  9. hope you were able to rescue the wing chanir! Funny story

  10. Love the fabrics! Sounds like a wonderful day to me (despite the "emergency").

    Thanks for following us!

    Thrifter Sisters

  11. I love your toast rack, I have one but it's not so rustic looking.

    Sort of funny about your mom! I'm always doing stupid things like this!

    I don't remember hearing that you grew up in Chicago. Where about?


  12. Glad I'm not the only one who watches corny old movies just for the "look" of them! I always end up forgetting about the plot and looking at the decor behind the actors! And in my opinion, you can never go wrong with either Agatha OR Philippa!
    Happy REDnesday,

  13. I hope you managed to get the chair unstuck:) I love to read but don't have a minute, still unpacking.....and nursing my sciatica. OH, it is BAD! XO, Pinky

  14. Tea, toast, and a good book (or movie) - my kind of day! Too bad it got ruined, lol!

  15. Tea and toast and a good book. What could be better. Well, fo Bentley, it might be the treat :)


  16. Oh my, you and Bentley to the rescue! Hope you solved the problem for your Mom. I love your fabrics and that toast rack, too.

  17. Glad you can go to the rescue, you and Bentley should be able to help solve the stuck chair problem. Hope you get to relax later.

  18. Love your fabrics! Reading and sitting with no pressing deadlines is definitely a treat!

  19. I love that plaid plate. How wonderful to have an afternoon with nothing to do, even if just for a moment. Dianne

  20. I'm so glad to hear that the emergency was a furniture one!! I also love to make a cup of tea and watch old movies, either for the decor or the fashions! Try a Doris Day movie for some real entertainment in the home decor area! Love that fabric too. Linda

  21. Susan, now that is funny... a stuck wingback chair. Especially something so "pretentious" in stature! Just makes me laugh. Love your plaid plate! My choice would have been fingering the fabric with the old movie! What are you thinking of making out of the fabric? xo marlis

  22. "There's a Summer Place.....la la la la....la la". I love the theme song from that old movie. I went to college in Idaho and I remember my boyfriend (from Emmett) loved this song. He used to sing it to me when we were out on a date.I miss these great old movies with Nanette Fabre, Doris Day, Tony Curtis and others like them. They were always so wholesome and fun to watch. I could watch them with my Mom and not be embarrassed.
    I sure like you plaid dishes....They are perfect for Fall or Winter.
    Thanks for sharing this happy nostalgic post, my friend,

  23. A leisure day with planned reading and fabric petting sure has a way of getting stuck in the doorway. A neat post and so nice that you are near your Mom to make your day full of planned/unplanned events. Happy VTT.

  24. I would probably settle down with a good book.

  25. Love the little plaid plate...and love the fabric! What a bargain. I hope the chair emergency was an easy fix.

  26. Fantastic post! Very beautifully written and gorgeous shots.
    Beautifully placed and very elegant!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  27. Well, that beautiful plaid dish got me...I NEED plaid dishes!! Then your description of your lovely afternoon caught my interest, only to be "awakened"--as you were from your idyllic afternoon, by an "emergency." Cute story, great pictures! ~Zuni

  28. Tartans are one of my favorites! I had to chuckle about the chair being stuck in the doorway, been there a time or two myself!

  29. haha I was getting all relaxed reading your post this morning thinking "Maybe I should have a LAZY WONDERFUL Saturday like that...." And then the wingback. LOL! I think I better just finish my coffee and do the laundry and vacuam and clean the bathroom and on and on and on after all :)

  30. I think I've seen that old movie. My husband and I use to love watching the old movies together, but then it became kid movies for awhile, but now my daughter is getting to that age of enjoying the old movies with us. I'll have to look for that one.

    We are trying to save a Frank Lloyd Wright Houe here in Phoenix; it inspired the Guggenheim and is shaped like a snail. It is in a magnificent part of town with a view of Camelback. Frank Lloyd Wright built it for his son, but the people who bought were going to tear it down. They just put it up for sale again for 2.4 million. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/03/arts/design/frank-lloyd-wright-house-in-phoenix-faces-bulldozers.html?_r=0

  31. I loved this post. Perhaps it was because I could relate to your Mom. I got stuck on the roof once..knocked the ladder over...I had not phone and just screamed until one of the seven heard me...which wasn't soon.
    I'm glad you live close to your Mom. :)

  32. Lovely fabrics, I must say I don't have enough tartans myself. So glad your mother's emergency wasn't too critical and that you were able to help her - treasure these moments forever! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  33. Love your new fabric, can't wait to see what you make with it. Your post makes me realize I need a toast holder!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!


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