Friday, May 24, 2013

Favorite Things I Can't Leave Behind

I am a very sentimental person.  There are things that I have
collected that may not have much value to anyone else but are 
dearly loved by me.  When I saw this little bird in an antique 
shop, I fell in love with him.  He's so sweet and dear and he
is coming with me to Texas.  Just can't bear to leave him behind!

Tiny little salt and pepper shakers that just managed to find their
way into my dear little cottage.

A vintage toast rack, a tea cart a favorite tea pot.

Various mismatched plates and linens and vintage silver spoons
from my grandmother.

Pillows of all shapes and sizes.

Serving dishes.

A favorite book tucked away for safe keeping.
Sure do wish I could wave a magic wand to safely and
instantly move all these favorite things!

Bentley is exhausted just thinking about having to follow me from room
to room packing up all of these favorite things!

We are Happily Joining ~

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. All so very pretty to ! I am the same I love all my pretties and trinkets it is part of who I am ! Thanks for sharing lovely photos . Bentley you are a cutie pie ! Have a good long weekend !

  2. Such pretty treasures, thanks for sharing them. Bentley will be exhausted.


  3. Hi Susan..the little bird would have had to come home with me as well!
    Happy Pink Saturday 5th Birthday & Happy holiday weekend too!
    xo Tami

  4. All important things to bring along. Of course, Bentley is most important so he'll make sure all of his favorites go along too!

  5. When you get older, so many little things become more important. At least. they do to me. I can see why you cherish these treasures.

  6. How dare you even think of leaving even one of your beauties behind!

  7. So many pretty things! No, you can't leave any behind! I adore your little blue bird and everything else, but I think Bentley is the most important thing not to leave behind!
    I love Texas and I know you will, too!
    ♥ Jil

  8. Poor Bentley working so hard. I see why each of these is a treasure. That little bird is so sweet.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Thank you for always making it special.

  9. Oh, dear...I am so going thru the same thing in our move. We are downsizing...not as much room for 4 hutches full of treasures...I have spent hours going thru what I COULD part with and putting into boxes, the ones that MUST go with me. I so know where you're coming from.

  10. Susan, I shudder at the thought of the day when I'll have to pack up all my favorite things. What a task! Hope you find joy in this process. I'd look at it as an excellent opportunity to get organized. ~ Sarah

  11. I just came over from Mockingbird Hill Cottage and joined to be a follower. I like your favorite things especially your plate, silver and linen! All things I collect. Have a great weekend.


  12. I'm rather attracted to that rosy teapot too. You have some lovely, romantic things and have reminded me that I need to polish some cutlery that belonged to my grandmother.

  13. Such sweet sweet pretties! Of course they must come with you! How wonderful to have your grammies things, so very precious.

    Poor Bentley, has he been packing up his toys? Perhaps it's doggie tea and biscuit time and then a good long nap?

    Happy Memorial Day!

  14. Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope Bentley hangs in there can use his help for sure! :)

  15. What a pretty post filled with sweet pink things. I enjoyed looking at your finds and treasures. Thanks for sharing and Happy Memorial Day weekend. Happy Pink Saturday!


  16. I never tire of looking at the lovely pictures of your "Favorite Things"!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  17. I'd take these things with me too. You have so many pretty dishes. Have a nice weekend. Regula

  18. Oh, yes, these are wonderful things to keep and take along. So pretty.

  19. Lovely photos. Nice, soft and lovely


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