Friday, May 17, 2013

Pretty Little Things

It's no secret how much I love pretty little things.
Have a joy filled Friday everyone!

Happily Joining ~

Pink Saturday
A Favorite Thing

Let's get ready to have a fun weekend Bentley.

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Anything with roses captures my attention - just lovely!

  2. Nothing prettier or more nostalgic than florals, chippy paint and tea cups.

    Have a great weekend. I'm sure you have lots to do. When are you planning on moving to Texas?


    1. There is still so much to do before we move. We close on our house in Victoria on June 14th. I have a huge list of things to accomplish before we go. There are moments when I feel completely overwhelmed, but I just try to stay focused on completing one task at a time.

  3. Have a great weekend and these thing are so pretty! Enjoyed the post.


  4. Just Lovely. Have a great weekend and don't work too hard. Breathe...I will pray for you. I am sure everything will come together as it should. Bentley~ help your momma pack ;-)

  5. I love the pretty things you've picked. I have a couple of them on my pinterest boards as well. And you have a beautiful blog! Glad to have found you. :)


  6. Hope your weekend is full of pretty things like these pictures ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good weekend !

  7. Oh, you and Bentley have chosen pretty little things that I love too - especially those pitchers on the windowsill! I have a couple of them on my Pinterest boards but I think I'll have to add some of these!

    I saw your comments to Beverly. I've had trouble in the past and that temperamental little thing gave me some problems today. The link must exactly say - if you leave out the last / it will not post. See if that works because everyone should see all these pretty little things!

    You and Bentley have a lovely weekend,

  8. I love your tea cups! Happy Pink Saturday Grace xoox

  9. Beautiful! Your tea cups are divine. HPS :) Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  10. All look so pretty!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Big Hugs

  11. Loved seeing and truly enjoyed your pretty little things.

  12. I love all the pretty things here Susan. I love when my roses are blooming, I cut them and stick them in all kinds of containers. Love the stack of cups.....
    Happy Weekend.

    The French Hutch

  13. Aren't they gorgeous! I especially love the one with the tin full of pink roses. sigh.

  14. Sweet and lovely! I love those little pitchers on the windowsill. <3 Enjoy your weekend! xx

  15. Oh my, what loveliness! Thanks for sharing it :) I've just popped over from A Favorite Thing at Mockingbird hill Cottage.

  16. These were certainly a treat, Susan! I adored all of the photos, and that chintz! LOVE! The photographs were all beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us. I can see why they are your favorites. They're mine, too!

    Drop;ping by from Claudia's blog party. I enjoyed the visit with you!



  17. Love all these pretty pictures--I NEED that fabric :)

  18. Hi Susan,

    Your gorgeous images today made me smile! It is definitely the little things in life that make it pretty! Thanks for sharing these sweet and softly hued gems; they are lovely!

    Remember to take proper breaks from all the moving madness; NOT moving for a few minutes, but sitting with a soothing drink and snack, calms the chaos! :)


  19. Susan
    They are all the most delicious images - I love pretty too.
    Roses, tea cups, pink - what could be more lovely!
    Popped in from Claudia's.
    Shane ♥
    Have fun with Bentley this weekend.

  20. So very sweet and pretty - I love all the 'cottagey' roses and china. The fabric is gorgeous, and I see we share several of the same decor books!

    This seems to be an amazing year for roses here too - I've never had so many blooming at the same time - it's really like living in a rose garden.

    Happy weekend Susan - Mary

  21. I like your selections of pretty little things.


  22. Love all the pretties you've shared with us! Pink flowers and china (and pink flowered china!) make my heart go pitter pat. :)

    Happy weekend!

  23. Everything looks sensational! I work outdoors these days and the indoors is far from spectacular now. Your picture with strawberries and eggs is fabulous! Makes me want dessert! :)

  24. Oh. my. goodness. These pics are so gorgeous I could just sit and feast my eyes forever. Love love love the colors, the softness, the beauty! Love you! Mary

  25. Pretty little things, indeed! I love the window sill with the sweet pitchers holding blooms. Thanks for sharing, Susan. ~ Sarah

  26. Me, too. The world needs pretty little things, Susan.

    Love that coffee cup in the bottom photo.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week!



Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.