Monday, September 2, 2013

Arranging Library Shelves

We are readers.  It's nice to turn off the TV and turn on some
classical music and curl up with a good book.  To us it is a 
great way to relax and let go of the stress our fast paced lives
present us each day.

Books seem to live in every room of our home.  I love to
decorate with them and around them.

The back wall of our paneled family room has a good amount of
built in bookcases and we are making good use of the space.  They
give us a spot to reflect our interests and passions.

The shelves are filled with leather bound classics and some old college text
books too.  

Some of David's golf books and the antique sextant along with a 
photo of David as a baby held in his father's arms.

My own Daddy loved wood carvings and these are two of his

Daddy was very interested in the ancient world as am I.  One
thing I probably never told you about myself is that I minored in
philosophy in college.  That minor along with my major in Art
History are probably the least employable of all the possible majors,
but hey I learned to love Plato and Monet!

So welcome to our little in house library.  We think it's a cozy
place to be. 

Happily Joining ~

We had a brief thunderstorm today.  It was the perfect
afternoon for a nap and Bentley and his grandma took
one together.  I on the other hand braved the long
lines at Hobby Lobby.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Looking gawjus! :) I love how you've styled your builtins! I have the hardest time doing this!
    I'm loving seeing what all you're doing with your new house! After my grandbaby is born and you're more settled, maybe we can meet up! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Ahh, the library! Definitely my favorite room in the house :-)

    Jocelyn @

  3. I love rooms lined with books.

  4. What a gorgeous library! Magazine worthy!

  5. Love the way you organised your books, Susan - so stylish! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment :) Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  6. Your library is fabulous. You know I would say that, I am a librarian, devoted reader and a writer. A room filled with books has charm, as opposed to owning one Kindle, IMHO. I like all your china pieces and family items mixed in with the books.

  7. Ao pretty! You did a beautiful job decorating your library. I have a new weekly link party which is live now and I would love if you stop by and link up this wonderful post! Hope to see you there! Hugs, Maria

  8. Gorgeous, I love how you have displayed all of the shelves, so pretty and your knick knacks are just the perfect touch to each shelf. Love it all. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. It's such a joyful set of shelves! I would find it totally intriguing. In fact, when we visit new people's homes, I have to direct myself AWAY from their bookcases, or the conversation lags while I read titles....head turned sideways, of course. :)
    Your new home is so pretty!

  10. We too are readers. Alas our bookshelves are so stuffed with books that we don't have the space for such wonderful adornments. Your shelves are stunning.

  11. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Susan!
    Stopping by after your visit to my blog :0)
    I loved reading your post on arranging library shelves.
    I'm currently working on a re-do project of the library shelving in our living room. With so much inspiration found across the web and blogs, I found a few ideas on how to lighten and brighten shelving without painting. I hope to share my re-do next week!
    Your post gave me some great arranging ideas.
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Have a beautiful week,

  12. Love your bookshelves. We are book lovers too, but recently moved and had to "downsize" many of the hardcovers we had. Of course I am sure we will start accumulating them again once we are settled. It's an addiction, I guess. You house always looks so warm and cozy.

  13. Your shelves are looking great. You are really moving right along with your new home- xo Diana

  14. Your bookshelves are lovely..Mine looked similar to that before I moved..I couldn't justify moving all those books and couldn't move the bookshelves..

  15. Susan, I have shelf envy here. I'd line at least one wall in every room with book shelves if I could. It would drive my husband nuts, but I love to style shelves with books and interesting vignettes. Yours look fantastic. Love the various vignettes. I know you are enjoying every minute of this. Glad you had a rainstorm. Dry, dry, dry here!

  16. You truly are a talent Susan. Such a wonderful collection you have displayed filled with classic enchantment.

  17. Susan, I love your lovely collection of books and the way you have them styled is very appealing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the visit and sweet comment at The Dedicated House! It means the world! I would love it if you would share this beautiful post at my Make it Pretty Monday party. Here's the link if you want to check it out. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  18. Hi Susan, I LOVE examining the bookshelves in people's homes!! They reveal so much about personalities, interests, pasts, and desires. You have arranged yours beautifully. Thanks for the peek! Linda

  19. They look awesome! I would love to have shelves like that at home.

  20. Hi Susan! Just wanted you to know that you were featured on my blog! I'm enjoying seeing your new home! Thanks so much for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie

  21. Susan, I love the way you have arranged your bookshelves! The little hunting scene is fabulous!
    Big hugs to you and Bentley,

  22. Your bookshelf arrangement is different than most I'm seeing today. Much of what I see on other blogs and in interior design magazines, have bookshelves comprised of few books and more pieces of art, photos and other collections. I love that your bookshelves are full of beautiful, nicely aged and interesting books. The colors don't look "pre-meditated", but look instead like happy serendipity. Your collectibles are so diverse and interspersed among the books such that every single one of them gets its proper due. Can you tell I adore your arrangement ? I live in a ranch home built in 1950 and I am in desperate need of help arranging built-in floor to ceiling bookcases in my den and a wall's length of built-ins in my living room. Those only one-third up from the floor. I've just about thrown up my hands and walked away. I'm in Missouri, do you think you could make a quick trip? :)
    Do you know of any good resources where I could find suggestions on how to fill and arrange interesting bookshelves? Blessings to you!
    (please give that baby Bentley a hug, he is TOO cute!)

  23. Oh, I'm a sucker for libraries and bookshelves. I have quite a few of those lovely leather classics from The Easton Press. I've mixed them in with my other books but I'm always looking for ideas to make the shelves more interesting. Your shelf vignettes are wonderful! I could spend hours nosily buried in them looking at every little thing. It's hard to believe that you've barely just moved in! These shelves give a really lived-in feeling to your new home. Wonderful!

  24. Love the warm wood tones. The styling is perfect.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.