Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Celebratory Garden Luncheon

The packing boxes are dwindling.  What better excuse than to have
a celebratory luncheon for two in the garden?

In a shady spot we can relax and enjoy the birds singing above.

This is Mom's vintage Hall teapot.  Isn't it a beauty?

Mom's garden statue now has a blemish.  The packers very
inconveniently put a sticker on Caesar's face.  A bit of touch
up paint is in order.  I have not been able to find the paint in
the numerous boxes still in the garage.  Oh well, Caesar will
just have to live with it for a while.

Ah peace ...

But what would a celebratory lunch be without a bit of the bubbly?

Served in lovely vintage etched glass champagne glasses.
I don't know about you, but I am more fond of this shape
than flutes.

Y'all come back and visit us again soon.
We look forward to your visits.

Happily Joining ~

Bentley ~ mama is making chicken parmesan for
dinner tonight.  Work up an appetite!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What's the weather like there? Are you and your mom liking Victoria?

  2. Love your beautiful garden luncheon!

    sorry about poor Caesar, but, well, "Beware of the Ides of Movers!"

    As for bubbly - I prefer the LOOK of the etched old glasses but much prefer the TASTE of the bubbly in flutes.....not a fan of flat bubbly......and I cannot ever drink it t he flutes keep those tasty bubbles a little longer with less surface area to bring up those bubbles.

    Have you ever served sorbet or fruit or mousse in your gorgeous vintage etched champagne glasses?

  3. Hot and humid!!! No sign of fall here. We are loving Victoria.

  4. Hi. I was stopping by blogs in hopes I could get your help....I've been nominated on Martha Stewart and I was trying to get Votes to help Win...if you have time I would love to see you come by, Vote and also entry in a giveaway for your support!! Your able to vote 6 times in a row daily until Sept. 13th!! I would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks so much!

  5. looks lovely I so would have loved to do that instead of working.

  6. Oh- What a pretty place you have set there. I think you deserve a little break after all the hard work you have done. Poor Caesar! He looks a bit the worse for wear...but will be like new once you put a bit of makeup on him~;>) Have a wonderful week, Susan- xo Diana

  7. I hope you and your Mom had a wonderful, relaxing lunch in your new back yard. Cheers!

  8. Olá.

    tão bom comemorar. Estou acompanhando seu progresso, arrumando dia a dia sua mudança. Está ficando tudo tão bonito.


  9. Be still my heart...those violet dishes are absolutely precious! My grandmother always gave me violet "things," but no dishes. I've bought tea cups in her honor and someday will add a few violet dishes to do a table hopefully as lovely as yours. And yes, there's something about those old-fashioned champagne glasses, I agree. They seem so glamorous, especially when they're etched. Oh, and the, so pretty! Lovely setting! (P.S. I recently did a post on our table for two also, serving espresso! :) ) ~Zuni

  10. Be still my heart...those violet dishes are absolutely precious! My grandmother always gave me violet "things," but no dishes. I've bought tea cups in her honor and someday will add a few violet dishes to do a table hopefully as lovely as yours. And yes, there's something about those old-fashioned champagne glasses, I agree. They seem so glamorous, especially when they're etched. Oh, and the, so pretty! Lovely setting! (P.S. I recently did a post on our table for two also, serving espresso! :) ) ~Zuni

  11. You deserve a break and a celebration!!! So sorry about Caesar......its okay, he is patient. Everything looks lovely so far and you've put your special stamp on everything!! Have fun!!

  12. I suppose putting the sticker on the bottom of the stature would have been out of the question. sigh You have done an amazing job of getting things in order so quickly and certainly deserve a bit of bubbly to celebrate!

  13. Could I come over and sit at that table - just for a half hour? I'll bring some Prosecco and a little smoked wild salmon - pretty please?

  14. What a lovely place to sit and have lunch. The dishes and champagne glasses are ever so pretty.
    Looks like you are getting everything in order.
    Have a great week.

  15. Oh how delightful that looks. Very sweet. My Mom has that very same little garden girl. She has had it for years. Have a great day Susan!

  16. What a sweet table setting! Love your mother's Hall teapot and the pretty china dishes. Too bad about the sticker on the statue. At least it can be repaired :-) The etched champagne glasses are really nice- love that kind of look and yet I still down own any!

  17. That teapot is beautiful...your whole setting is wonderful..When I was in high school...long, long ago. LOL....we used one of the old ladies table and chairs like this one as a prop for pictures..thanks for the memory.. All your pictures are lovely..
    Love, Mona

  18. Ooh, such a gorgeously pretty garden table Susan...I'm dreaming of sitting there right now sipping from those beautiful glasses and hearing the clinking of china!
    Happy Thursday!
    Susan x

  19. The teapot is so lovely and special since it was your mom's. such a beautiful place to sit and relax. I agree with you about the champagne flutes. I like the saucer shape better, apparently the flutes are supposed to hold the bubbles longer. Personally my champagne doesn't stay in the glass long enough to lose its bubbly. LOL

  20. That is what I call a first class tea. I love it especially the table and chairs.

  21. Very beautiful. I love those dishes with the violets....

  22. This is so beautiful and relaxing. Thanks for sharing.

  23. What a lovely setting..for coffee or champagne....Does Bentley get Chicken Parm??

  24. I love everything about this....the gorgeous setting, the bistro set, the dishes and perhaps my favorite, the vintage etched champagne glasses.

    This makes my blood pressure drop just looking at the serene beauty.

    Truly wonderful.


  25. Lovely spot for bubbles Susan. Thank you for your sweet comment about CC. xo, olive

  26. What a lovely garden spot, Susan. I hope you're enjoying your new neighborhood in Texas. I'm with you in liking the old champagne goblets, instead of the now popular flutes.

  27. That is so cool: you moved to Texas and Caesar is now living with you!!!

  28. What a lovely spot to sit and relax. Of course I am in love with your purple plates. They are exquisite. I can't believe you found time to do a table. Don't sweat the boxes, they won't go anywhere! So nice to have you come and visit!

  29. Beautiful setting...what's not to like? The bistro set is lovely and your old fashion champagne glasses are my fav. I still have those from when we got married and I do love them better than the flutes too, I agree with you! Hugs to you and Bentley all the way back to Texas! Thanks for your sweet and kind visit.


    1. Oh my goodness Susan, I wasn't a follower of your wonderful blog, I'm in shock! Anyway, I just fixed I hope we can just follow each other at this point, lol.. Hugs again,


  30. I would have liked to be one of the two at the table. It and the surroundings emit such a feeling of serenity.

  31. What a pretty setting! I would love to join you!

  32. Oh, Sue, you always take such gorgeous pictures! I'm so glad you got to take time out to buy the bubbly, set the table, AND take photos of it all. Enjoy your new spot!

    P.S. - any chicken parm left? Hee, hee!

  33. So pretty. What a lovely place to have tea, and the tea pot and that plate and cup are beautiful. Why would anyone put a sticker on Ceaser's face? Grrrr. laurie

  34. Lunch in the garden is always nice. Summer weather is finally here on my part of the coast. Not only are we eating lunch in the garden, but dinner too.

    The bistro set is lovely! And those old fashion champagne glasses are fabulous!
    Honestly....... I like Caesar's face just the way it is. Blemish and all. Now it looks vintage and chippy. Perfectly, imperfect.
    I have a statue almost identical.......... and never thought about putting him in the garden! I had planned to paint him white and put him in the living room. He is sitting in the basement now but maybe I will find him a new home outside.
    Always love my visits here.
    Thanks for sharing.

  36. Congratulations on your move! I can't wait to see more of your lovely home!

  37. So glad to hear you're settling in and have such a lovely spot to enjoy a break in your garden - beautifully set and I am sure Caesar will hang on until you can tend to him :)
    I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.