Saturday, November 2, 2013

There's The Rub!

David drove to San Antonio and bought a smoker.  
Well my husband is a native Texan and the purchase of a
new smoker can only mean one thing ~

He needed a dry rub, so that job went to me.  Let's see garlic powder, paprika, brown
sugar, cumin, chili powder, Kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper ...
measure and mix.

Off to the freezer to get a brisket.  Well, I actually pulled one out yesterday.
See all the meat?  Our good friends bought a steer at auction being shown
by their nephew.  This purchase will help pay for their nephew's college
tuition next year so it was a win win for everyone.  And we are very 
lucky to be the recipients of a deep freezer full of beef straight from the
butcher.  When David came home with all this meat I felt like Lucy
and the home freezer.

My job is done.  Beef is thawed and rubbed down really well.

Now it's all up to one man and his smoker.
Of course I get to prepare the sides and do all of the clean-up
afterwards, but David will get all the glory :-)

Seasonal Sundays

Normally Bentley loves being out in his yard, but he
doesn't like the smoke, so he's staying inside and taking a nap.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I wish I was there for the brisket...with that new smoker I bet it is gonna be so tasty....I will only need a baked potato and some coleslaw and I am good to go....

  2. Wow, that is some set-up, that is huge!!! That's okay, whatever makes the man happy and at least he is cooking the main course, any help is appreciated!!! I know it will be yummy!!!

  3. I can smell the brisket now and it smells yummy. All I need is a sweet tea, brisket and slaw and i'm a happy camper. That is some smoker - lots of good eats from there. Enjoy your meal.

  4. OK, now...I'm hoping you're going to show us the brisket after it's cooked? What a great smoker! :)

  5. I'm not a beef eater, but I bet it is delicious. Enjoy. xo Laura

  6. Oh my goodness that smoker is quite the man-toy! The brisket looks delish. We ordered beef this year from the butcher too. It is so yummy. Enjoy the brisket ~ I'm drooling ;-) Happy smoking David ~

  7. Oh, boy ... I can smell it ... mouth is watering.....

  8. Sounds yummy! Glad David got a new toy, you got something good to eat, and Bentley got to take a nap - win-win for y'all, too!!! :)

    Hugs ~ Mary

  9. Oh boy, we love this all over the world too! I'm smelling the delish odors of meats and chicken from your hubby's smoker. We had one in our huge house and I miss it sometimes now that we live in our condo high rise pent house; but hubby gave it to our Sil, so when we go there he always does a Sunday lunch in it for all times and hubby gladly helps, lol! Thank you for your sweet visit.

  10. Love the flavor of things done on a smoker..Chicken and fish are good as well..

  11. Can almost smell that delicious aroma from here!


  12. I'm coming to your house for dinner!!! Is the meat done yet?

  13. There is nothing more fantastic than a smoked brisket...I can smell it all the way in NC!!!...thanks for the rub recipe!

  14. That's a good lookin' brisket and a good lookin' smoker so it can only be delicious.
    The background I'm using on my blog reminded me of paper my mama used on my bedroom a hundred years ago. :)

  15. You are making us all hungry. It looks so good.

    The rub recipe sounds great and easy enough to make. THanks.

  16. Looks and sounds YUMMY ! Cool smoker . Enjoy ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  17. That's a great looking smoker, Susan! The rub sounds delish and I sure love a great brisket. I'll bet it was wonderful. Did Bentley get a little nibble? xo

  18. Bet Bentley won't mind the smoky flavor of that brisket. Sounds delicious! Nice to get a freezer full of free beef. Looks like you are set for awhile.

  19. Looks like you're settling in to your new home in Texas! Love all that you've done. My mom lived with us for the last 4 years of her life and I'm so glad I had the time with her. Miss her every day. Mimi

  20. Looks like the perfect addition to your new home. Thank you for bringing this to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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