Monday, November 4, 2013

Here's Some Inspiration for You

I have not been doing yoga since I moved to Texas.  There are two
reasons for this ~ one too busy unpacking and two could not find
the cord or the remote to connect my blu~ray.  Well last night I 
managed to get the blu~ray connected.  Still can't find my remote,
but I was able to get through one power yoga program.  I cannot
begin to tell you how suddenly everything shifted (in a good way)
and lymph and blood was flowing and tension just washed away.


If you think you can't do yoga or exercise or meet your health
goals, watch the video above for some real inspiration.
Tao Porchon-Lynch is now in her 90's.  She still teaches
yoga and loves to dance.  What a happy soul she is.  Full
of enthusiasm and such a twinkle in her eye too!  It's hard to
feel negative when you listen to her.

Now I also like Pilates and find it works wonders for
my strength and focus.  Here is a woman who agrees with
me.  Listen to the wisdom of Ruth Cohen.

What I love about these wise women is that they have fully
embraced life.  They never say never and consider each day
a blessing to be lived fully.  I hope that I inspired you a bit
today to live life fully, get up and get moving and follow
your heart.  And I must add ~ dance a bit too because
it will make you happy!

Now go tweak yourself and find more inspiration

Tweak It Tuesday
Inspire Me
What's It Wednesday
Tips, Tutorials and Tidbits
Rock N Share

Okay Bentley ~ are you ready for some more
downward dog?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Lovely! Ruth is lovely and her advise is sound, "just do it." I tell myself those same words about many things. Thanks for sharing and welcome to TEXAS.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  2. Wow, two amazing ladies! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. I would LOVE to watch Bentley watching you! Those are both great ladies- xo Diana

  4. Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing. Need to go get my mat out and exercise now :)

  5. These two ladies are such inspiration. They remind me of my mom and grandmother who lived to be 100. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. "tweaking myself" ... yes ... that would work!

  7. If I ever got myself in some of those Yoga positions, I don't think I'd ever get myself out! Good for you!


  8. So glad you are settling in-welcome to Texas!

  9. Oh, you are amazing! I do love to do yoga, but I have not done it in a few years. I really need to make time, no matter what.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. How inspirational ~ oh my, I am put to shame at this moment watching these beautiful women. Time to get up and go ~
    I am so inspired at this moment and I WILL attempt to be more mobile. I have been wanting to try yoga for a long time and now there is absolutely no reason not to.
    Thank you again my sweet sister ;-)
    Inspiration at its best

  11. Yes...I must not spend so much time at the computer! I'm inspired!

  12. Wow, I really need to get back to my yoga!!! They were both inspiring ladies…..Thanks for sharing, Laura

  13. Thanks so much for sharing this. I need to step up my walking program because it is one exercise I can do. I love when I see inspirational women. xo Laura


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.