Monday, June 9, 2014

Danger ~ Construction Zone!

It is amazing how my real house can become a shambles while building
the dollhouse.  I may well be doing this all wrong, but I am
wallpapering the walls before they are assembled.  Just seems easier 
that way than trying to "hang" paper in a tiny space.  So currently 
there are walls of paper drying all over the place.  Thank goodness
I have some left over pasta so I won't have to think about cooking
dinner from scratch.

I still need to get the windows hung.  I am not too concerned about the
double hung windows, but I hope that I get the bay window and the
window seat in without a hitch.  This poor little sink has been
waiting for it's home for a long time :-)  I hope that I will have 
some real progress to share with y'all tomorrow.

Happy afternoon everyone!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan - I'm so proud of you working so diligently on your dollhouse. Just think how much fun it will be to decorate after it's all put together!


  2. It is all so intricate, but so much fun. xo Laura

  3. I built a dollhouse once. It took up half of our dining table for almost a year. I too papered & painted & even put in the kitchen chair rail before I assembled it. Mine only has a dry sink. I like yours a lot better. I can't wait to see more!

  4. Ooooh, I can't wait!! I recognize that little wash set, I have it too. Hobby Lobby? Be sure and let me know if this is an easy kit to assemble so I'll know if I want to tackle mine. :-)

  5. Wallpapering the walls prior to assembly sounds totally logical!

  6. I wish I would have wallpapered the walls before they were assembled. SMART thinking! Darling little sink with such fun accessories.


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