Saturday, June 7, 2014

Gotta Love A Truck

If it's sweet and has a backroads country kind of feel …

 and a cute vintage cottage ...

and if it reminds me of Andy Griffith and Fried Green Tomatoes …

well then y'all know I am going to love it!!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love Andy Griffith. I used to wish I lived in Mayberry. I did have a sweet aunt in Kentucky who kinda reminded me of aunt Bea. My sweet aunt Louise. My how she loved her chickens. I loved the baby chicks & sitting behind my aunt on the side porch pin curling her hair while she snapped a pot of green beans fresh from the garden!

    Don't even get me started on fried green tomatoes!! Or maters as my aunt would call em'. Simple cornmeal batter & some sweet iced tea & I'm in heaven!! Thanks for sharing Susan. God bless.

    1. I saw a recipe not too long ago for a fried green tomato sandwich. I must try it and boy am I hungry for one right now. And sweet tea ~ one of my very favorite drinks. I like it even better than my diet Dr Pepper!

  2. Or it reminds me of the Waltons! For vacation I have been to Mount Airy NC home of Andy Griffith. What a great time, stay at his home which is a home you can rent for the night...left just like his parents had it. I even ran into Otis downtown! The next year we went to Schuyler VA to "Waltons Mountain" the home of Earl Hammner and the old school is a museum with identical rooms from the TV show and even a Ikes Grocery store!

    1. I did not know that you could rent Andy Griffith's home. That sounds like a wonderful vacation!

  3. The sweet old southern style.

  4. I am SO sending this link to my sister!!! She is going to flip! I know I did! Susan, you really hit close to the heart with this one!!! I wonder what's in those barrels? A little Southern Comfort, maybe? ;-)


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