Thursday, June 5, 2014

Savoring That Last Muffin

I made some muffins a couple of days ago.  Nothing really fancy, just
six muffins from a box of Jiffy Apple Cinnamon mix.  This morning there
was one muffin left.  I try to eat heart healthy meals because heart disease
runs on both sides of my family, but sometimes I slip up just a tad.

You must know the feeling ~ there is something in the kitchen that is tempting. 
Something calling your name and will not give up until you make up your
mind to give in.  Susan, Susan ~ a muffin with your name on it is waiting
for you!

Okay I caved.  One little muffin won't kill me.  Just this once …

Now it's gone.  It won't be calling me any more.

Of course now I will have to add a few more blocks to my daily walk!

Speaking of daily walks ~ Bentley is on a short leash today.  This morning
David let him out in the backyard quite early while I was still asleep.
The possum had returned and Bentley was hot on it's tail.  David went
running out in his boxer shorts with a broom to break the two of them up.
Must have been quite a sight!  Bentley caught the possum!!!  But then the
possum did what possums are supposed to do ~ HE PLAYED DEAD`.
That stopped Bentley dead in his tracks.  David said that Bentley 
looked up at him with a surprised look on his face as if to say …
"What do I do now Dad?"
David grabbed Bentley by his harness.  Thank goodness I fell asleep
while watching TV last night after I took Bentley for his evening walk
and forgot to remove his harness.  No one was hurt.  But I think Bentley
is having possum chasing dreams because he is whimpering and his
little legs are twitching while he is asleep in the chair in his 
mama's studio.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a treat it would be to sit with you and enjoy one of your of muffins.

    1. Thank you LV ~ I would love to visit with you. Whenever I am up in your area I will contact you. Maybe we could have lunch together!

  2. You paint a pretty funny picture. And you set a very lovely tray! I'll have to try the muffins. I didn't know Jiffy had them. I love their corn muffins. And so easy!

  3. Since I am a diabetic, I am a big believer in not depriving oneself, but practicing portion control. One small muffin once I'm a while is a good thing :-)

  4. I heard that muffin calling your name clear up here in Oklahoma!! I've always heard people say "what would a dog do if it chased and caught a car?" - in Bentley's case it was the possum. He was lucky he didn't get hurt. They have long sharp nails to dig with. Glad he's okay!


  5. Bentley must be tired from his big adventure!

  6. Oh how I'd love to sit with you for some tea and muffin... and right now, I'm craving a piece!!! Lovely dishes too!

  7. No muffin for you, Bentley! You've been a naughty possum stalker! What a cute story, Susan!

  8. What a beautiful tea tray Susan, of course it demanded you have a muffin!

  9. Susan, it looks like a perfect way to relax. No need to let that muffin go stale. '-)
    That must have been a sight with Bentley and the possum. Bentley probably thought he had triumphed.

  10. They look very gorgeous and all in different designs...they are great ideas for a good home.

  11. Parece que senti o gostinho de seus muffins. Mesmo que eu faça, não tenho essas louças tão lindas!

  12. What a lovely spot for tea and a muffin, Susan. I can just picture Bentley and the possum and David right in there, too!

  13. Happy Pink Saturday, Susan. I am so glad you and Bentley joined us this weekend. Seeing you at Pink Saturday always makes me smile.

    Tell Bentley he should be careful on his hunting expeditions. I am glad he is safe and sound. And, I have to say that I am in love with your teapot. It is just beautiful. Don't give that muffin another thought. You did what you had to do. lol

  14. It is hard not to eat a hot muffin now and then.

  15. Susan, you treated me with a good laugh this morning, after I was sure that Bentley was not injured. I can just imagine his confusion, when the possum played dead!! Your muffin story is making me hungry (no breakfast, yet!) and your tea and muffin setting is soooo lovely.

  16. Your tea tray is beautiful, and I agree that one muffin every now and then is okay. My son was visiting family recently, and he came home with 2 boxes of baklava (my sister-in-law's specialty). I am feeling hard-pressed to stop with just 1 about 1 piece every day!

    wishing you a lovely pink Saturday,

  17. A muffin and tea in a charming cup sounds like the perfect way to start the day. I may be in the minority but I don't mind my opossum neighbor. But then, I don't have a pup to worry about!

  18. Love your tea time tray ...had to pin it!


  19. Lovely tea tray, and you did the right thing eating that muffin!

  20. Leftover banana cake called my name this morning. lol! I caved too! Lovely dishes to enjoy that muffin. So happy that Bentley is o.k. Those possums can be mean critters. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.