Monday, June 2, 2014

Great Idea for a DIY Folding Screen

Of course  I went  shopping while I was in Fredericksburg and I discovered
a small shop off congested Main Street.  The name of the shop is
Smitten .  The shop is in an old cottage and the rooms are filled with all
things charming and I was indeed smitten.  One of the things that caught my
eye was this simple folding screen covered with old sheet music.

Isn't this a great idea?  With all of the old sheet music available in thrift
and antique shops it would be an easy task for a DIY project.  This one is 
fairly large, but it could be done on a smaller scale and used as a backdrop
for displaying a table top vignette.  Hmmm...

There are so many lovely things in this shop and I purchased something
there that I will show you later this week.  That's all for now.
Have a great Monday!

Bentley is completely wiped out after our fun weekend.  He 
has been napping all morning.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Poor Bentley, he leads such a hard life. Looks like a wonderful shop. xo Laura

    1. The sun rises and sets on that little dog in our house :-)

  2. Happy Anniversary. So glad you got to get away and have a good time.
    My Izzy, like your Yorkie, woke up this morning, all stiff and barely moving. She didn't even seem to know me. She is much better now but something is still wrong. Have you ever seen that kind of thing. Vet tomorrow unless she is back to normal.

    1. No I have not seen that reaction in any of my Yorkies. Poor baby, I hope she is feeling better today. Let me know!

  3. I LOVE Smitten! They have so many beautiful things and inspiring displays. I don't know when I'll get back to Texas, but Fredericksburg and Smitten are definitely on my route.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.