Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Two Sweet Cottages

I fell in love with the Texas Hill Country architecture.  I have always loved 
cottages built from stone and having lived in a house with a tin roof, there
is nothing better than to be inside and hear the music it creates when it rains. 
This cottage is a dress shop called the Farmhouse Boutique.  

I love the creamy trim and the blue shutters.  The sweet lace curtains that
seem to be in so many windows.  I met with the owner whose name is
Debbie.  She is so friendly and sweet I could have stayed and talked
with her for hours.  Y'all would love her too because she shares our love
of tradition, small town values, a simple lifestyle.  She told me that when
she first moved her shop into this cottage she asked her husband to
straighten the shutters.  He told her that the way they were hung it was
not possible.  I think they are perfectly charming just hanging a bit askew.

This little cottage right next door is Debbie's too.  I am so loving that blue that I am
thinking about maybe repainting the shutters on the outside of our house that color.  
Builders can construct all of the "McMansions" they want, but I will always
prefer  sweet rustic cottages like these.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan ,I am with you ,all anyone needs in a stone cottage to be happy. My son in law showed a photo of his niece's new house....I could barely speak....I was speechless and not in a good way. Big, square, brick ,monstrosity, not a tree in sight either. I had all I could do to not run screaming away. It looks like you all had a great anniversary, that rental looks so comfortable.

  2. These are wonderful, Susan and I am loving that blue, too. Wish I could step inside. xo Laura

  3. Beautiful. My husband loves stone houses too. As for the hydrangea they need part shade and lots of water. I am fearful for mine in the sun and heat-it gets blasting hot here too. xo, olive

  4. Both cottages are charmingly sweet!! Love those blues, too; they're simultaneously cool, but warm. Thanks for sharing all the prettiness!


  5. Hi Susan,
    Me too! I adore a cottage home, it can be made of brick, wood or stone. I adore all cottages. Both are lovely and full of charm.
    Hope all is well, have a sweet day, Elizabeth


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.