Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I Love Libraries

Whenever I visit a new town or city I always seek out the library.   It is really 
one of the first places I look for.  To me it is just as important as a cute little
tea shop, cafe or antique store.  It's a sanctuary where the written word is 
treasured and where the quest for knowledge never ends.  

This is the Pioneer Memorial Library in Fredericksburg, Texas.  Built in
1882 of limestone by Alfred Giles.  It's a beautiful structure both inside and
out.  It sits on Main Street and is part of the heart of the town.  

The old card catalog is still in use here although the collection is now also
digitized.  I nearly swooned when I saw this vintage catalog.  The only
place I see them now is in antique shops.  While the digitized version is so
handy, to me there is nothing quite like opening up one of those drawers
and flipping through the cards to find just what one wants.  Perhaps it is the
tactile experience that I love.  

To me there is such dignity in a library.  A spot where all ideas are welcomed.
A place where thought is open for discussion. A place where so many great minds,
talented artists, composers, scientists and story tellers from across the globe and
encompassing all eras share the same space.  A place where it is safe to go and
lose yourself in a little nook with a good book and live there for a bit.

It's a spot where I have spent so many hours of my life.  As a very young child with my
mother.  As a pre-teen riding my bike with my friends to pick up a stack of Nancy Drew 
Mysteries, putting them our bicycle baskets and heading home for a summer day of
reading.  Hours spent in the library doing research for a high school or college paper.
My college library is one of my favorite memories.  A beautiful place with walnut 
paneled walls and wrought iron spiral staircases that lead to the stacks above.  

"Let's look it up" is one of my favorite phrases in the English language.
Just one of the many reasons a library is one of my favorite places and
why I seek them out wherever I may go.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Totally agree! The Fredericksburg library is a wonderful spot. '-)

  2. I am definitely swooning over that card catalog. I really miss those. Ever since my first trip to the book mobile, the library has been one of my favorite places to go. I am at mine at least twice a week and I would love to visit this one. What a gorgeous building. xo Laura

  3. That is one fine library, I like to visit them too.

  4. My earliest memory of a library is from when I was about 8. I lived in Paducah, Ky. & I would go to our local library for story time. It was upstairs & there was a puppet stage that they would use while telling us stories. It's also where I got hooked on the Beezus & Ramona books. Once we moved to California when I was almost 10 I was very sad to leave my old library behind. I felt better once I saw that the "new" library had private reading cubicles. I would also ride my bike to get there & spend many a happy hour with my nose buried in a book or magazine. I still love libraries to this day & go to my neighborhood one here in Seattle often.

  5. What a beautiful library. Love the old wood and big windows. Luckily my old library (Robin's too) is now a military museum, so you can still go in and day dream as you did as a child.


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