Thursday, March 26, 2015

What Floats Your Boat?

As you walk around your own cottage every day, what images
always make you smile?    For me it's little things such as my
miniature African Violet filled with pretty little blossoms.  It's on 
the window sill over my kitchen sink.  It's happy there getting it's 
daily dose of northern light.  

Thank you for blooming dear little violet!

My collection of blue and white china.

Some new and some old pieces all dearly loved.

Collected, inherited and treasured.

For the child's hutch in my studio.  A Christmas present from 
my husband a few years ago.  It honors the little girl who
still dwells in my soul.

And for the dollhouse miniatures which encourage that little girl
to come out and play.

For a cup of tea and a good mystery novel on a rainy

For the treasured memories of my parents ….

and grandparents too.

For gardening and the contentment it brings.

For those early morning hours in the kitchen when everything
is so still and peaceful.

And for the before dinner cocktail with my husband as we 
share the events of the day.

And of course for Bentley who makes every day a
happy one!

Treasured moments, happy sights ~ these are things
that float my boat.  What floats yours?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Those are wonderful, wonderful things, Susan. I love my connection with things that belonged to my family-that came from the family farm...memories of people and places that are all gone now. I love the connection I have with my grandkids and the way I can see the world through their eyes...making it all bright and fresh and new.
    Wish I had a Bentley, too, but that is not to be for right now. xo Diana

  2. Susan - isn't it funny how it doesn't take big expensive items to make us happy? Just small things that jog our memory and make us smile. I love my grandchildren and great granddaughters so much. Of course, there's Bella who is my constant companion. Today, just the sunshine made me smile.


  3. I am grateful for my family and for all the wonderful memories. It is definitely the little things that make we truly grateful. xo Laura

  4. So true, Susan. I have found that the things I truly love have very little monetary value, but hold the biggest spot in my heart!
    Hugs to you and darling Bentley,

  5. Lovely photos ! Spending time with my Papa after work , my Miggs and Harley . My African Violets in bloom as well as my Geraniums I have in over the winters with and my collections of bits and bobs and then when the sun shines and nature is busy out side in our yard that's all that makes me smile ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good week !

  6. Beautiful photo's Susan. I love mornings with the sun coming in the slider patio. The little house wren that has built her nest up on the beams of my porch and feeding her babies - I think there are two. All the little hummers feeding in the morning after not eating all nigfht.
    My sleep bed head dogs not want to get up. All of these things are free and mean so much to me.
    Waldo and Lili send hugs to Bentley.

  7. Memories of mama and daddy...ponds, lakes, rivers, sea or ocean.(I hope God has me a place by the sea when I get to heaven)... smiles from a complete stranger.. a phone call from my sister and neice... a "I love you mom" from my 2 grown sons... and seeing my grandson playing baseball and my granddaughter playing softball. I am blessed.

  8. Lots of blessings. Sweet post.

  9. I have lots of little things like you. I love miniatures too & I've made quite a number of pieces & recently put some out on display. I figured why keep them put away when they could be making me smile. I especially love the replica of an old steamer trunk I made. I put it by a carving that my dear sister made for me. It's our dad sitting in a sofa chair with me on his lap & Cheryl standing behind our dad. He's reading a book to us. I cherish that carving as my lovely sister is no longer with us on this earth. I have a beautiful collection of Vernonware pottery in the cheerful green & yellow pattern of Gingham. My older son helped me to collect most of the pieces. It all started from a serving bowl & a platter that I got from my brother-in-laws girlfriend many years ago. I absolutely adore that childs hutch of yours. I might try & build one for myself. I love building furniture. Miniature & full size. I am working on an outdoor wooden bench currently for my younger sons birthday in April. I built it from scrap lumber & it's turning out pretty nice if I do say so myself. I also love birds & flowers. I have lots of bird knick knacks & I love to watch the live birds come to the feeder I keep filled in my side yard. They chirp so cheerily & I sing to them.

  10. My family...they float my boat.
    Your images are all wonderful, Susan. Your home is so warm, cozy, and inviting. A place to kick off your shoes, sit down, and visit...sharing to your hearts content.
    I love that you bared your soul in this post. Shows us who you are inside.

  11. Happiness truly is found in the simple things of life. (and I love the white and blue china)

  12. Such happy thoughts and pictures :)

  13. My sister has a collection of blue and white dinner plates. For family meals we each get a different one. I gave her one from a friend - pictures of old Sydney.

  14. Thanks for the visit! Your photos are lovely:)


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