Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Fairy Campground

Bentley and I went for a walk and spotted something very special ~
A Fairy Campground!

I am pretty sure that it is Tinkerbell's camp because I have
seen these dishes before in the garden just outside her cottage
in our backyard.

She does like blue and white china you know.

This must be her little lantern.  I wonder if it is solar powered
or if it is generated by moonbeams?

This looks like it might be her little bedroll.

Notice how she has carefully staked her tent to keep it secure.

Yes, it's a bedroll.  Maybe she plans to turn in early.

I am joining

Bentley ~ I guess even fairies need to get away on vacation sometimes.

Susan and Bentley


  1. Oh, what a MAGICAL discovery!!! Bentley must have "sniffed" out the fairy campground! Yes, I'm quite sure it must be Tinkerbell's wee getaway! Susan, this was so amazing, especially since my grandgirls (ages 5 & 3) and I created a fairy garden the last time they visited. I will most certainly share this "discovery" of yours with them . . . it will fill them with awe and wonderment!!!!
    Thank you and, God Bless!

  2. My Alyssa would be in heaven to find this in my gardens. Adorable, Susan.
    TTFN ~
    Have a lovely eve ~

  3. This is just the cutest, Susan.
    I'd love it if my nieces wanted to do this- I'm certainly going to show them.
    Too sweet for words.

  4. is this not the most charming post! how did you invent this- love it so...

    Karen & Krumpet

  5. Susan: So sweet!!! Just the cutest thing and Tinkerbell must be very sure of Bentley's intentions as the fairy's won't just come to anyone's garden..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  6. How absolutely adorable!!! I love it and want to create that sweet fairy tent with my girls.

  7. Oh, Susan!! Toooo sweet! I am inspired! My fairies enjoyed having tea parties under the backyard mushrooms last summer and I hope they'll be back for more this year, too - but camping?? Splendid!! Perhaps I'll suggest it to them . . .

    Squeezes to Bentley from Emma and Copperfield - nose swats, actually - they're my cats . . .


  8. Wonderful! So sweet!


  9. Wow ! Soo adorable... Reminds me of my childhood days, when we used to make tents from sarees.... The little tea set looks soo cute...!!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.


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